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Speaker Play

3rd Dec pm

Our Father.

Mat 6:9a

Pastor Abe Thomas

1st Dec am

Lest I forget.

Mat 26:36-42

Pastor Abe Thomas

24th Nov am

Has the Yahweh our God forgotten us!! pt1

Isaiah 49:14-16

Pastor Abe Thomas

24th Nov pm

Has the Yahweh our God forgotten us!! pt.2

Isaiah 49:14-26

Pastor Abe Thomas

17th Nov am

The Restorer of Israel and The Light of the Gentiles.

Isaiah 49:6

Pastor Abe Thomas

17th Nov pm

I have given You as a covenant to the People.

Isaiah 49:7-8

Pastor Abe Thomas

10th Nov am

The contrast in the Person and the Word of The Servant of Jehovah. Isaiah 49:1-4

Pastor Abe Thomas

10th Nov pm

The Despair and Assurance of the Elect Servant of Jehovah!

Isaiah 49:4-6

Pastor Abe Thomas

3rd Nov am

This is My Body This is My Blood.

Matthew 26:26-27

Rev Tim. Burden

3rd Nov pm

My Chosen Servant.

Isaiah 49:1-3

Pastor Abe Thomas

27th Oct am

The unsearchable love of The Father.

Luke 15

Mr. Gary Donaldson

27th Oct pm

Glory in Tribulations.

Romans 5:3-4

Mr. Gary Donaldson

20th Oct am

You have answered me.

Psalm 22:21

Rev. Tim Burden

20th Oct pm

The more noble minded Thessalonians.

Acts 17:11

Mr. Gwyn Evans

13th Oct am

They sinned even more.. they tested God in their heart.

Psalm 78:17-20

Pastor Abe Thomas

13th Oct pm

Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.

Psalm 78:9-11

Pastor Abe Thomas

6th Oct am

Unless you repent you will all likewise perish.

Luke 13:1-5

Pastor Abe Thomas

6th Oct pm

Blessed are those who hear and obey.

Psalm 78:2-8

Pastor Abe Thomas

29th Sept am

Let your waists be girded and your lamps burning.

Luke 12:35ff

Mr. Gwyn Evans

29th Sept pm

The All Powerful Word of Christ.

Mark 4:35-41

Mr. Gwyn Evans

22nd Sept am

Response of Job in the depths of Grief and Darkness.

Job 1:20-22

Pastor AbeThomas

22nd Sept pm

The knowledge of God and the worship of God.

Psalm 76

Pastor AbeThomas

15th Sept am

Hope and light in the midst of devastation and death.

Job 1:13-19

Pastor AbeThomas

15th Sept pm

Where is the Lamb for the burnt offering.

Genesis 22:7-8

Pastor AbeThomas

8th Sept am

The sons of God came to present themselves before Yahweh.

Job 1:1-6a

Pastor AbeThomas

8th Sept pm

Satan and his opposition to God's people.

Job 1:6b-12mans 10:6-13

Pastor AbeThomas

1st Sept am

Walking with God in times of prosperity.

Job 1:1-5

Pastor AbeThomas

1st Sept pm

Salvatiom and Assurance of Salvation.

Romans 10:6-13

Pastor AbeThomas

25th Aug am

The Disciples Prayer

Math 6:1-13

Mr. Francis Bates

18th Aug am

Light and darkness pt.1

Ephesians 5:8

Mr. Keith Gilbert

18th Aug pm

Light and darkness pt.2

Ephesians 5:8,9

Mr. Keith Gilbert

11th Aug pm

Friendship and The Friend that sticks closer than a brother.

Mr. Keith Gilbert

4th Aug am

Learning obedience by suffering.

Hebrews 5:8-9

Rev. Tim Burden

4th Aug am

Running the Christian Race.

2 Timothy 4

Mr. K Mouland

28th July am

A quiet and peaceful life.

1 Tim 2

Mr. Nigel Gurr

28th July pm

Walking in the Light.

1 John 1:5 - 2:2

Mr. Nigel Gurr

21st July am

Christian Love.

John 15:4

Mr. Roger Cook

21st July pm

Christian Joy.

John 15

Mr. Roger Cook

14th July am

Abiding in Christ.

John 15:4

Mr. Gwynne Evans

14th July pm

Union with Christ.

John 15

Mr. Gwynne Evans

7th July am

Consider the Apostle and High Priest of our calling.

Hebrews 3:1

Rev. Tim Burden

7th July pm

The confession of a powerful potentate.

Daniel 4:35

Mr. Gwynne Evans

30th June am

Man Overboard.

Jonah 1

Mr. Andrew Billinghay

30th June pm

Chosen by God.

2 Peter 3:1-10

Mr. Andrew Billinghay

23rd June am

Pressing toward the goal of the upward call of God.

Phil 3:14

Mr. Gwynne Evans

23rd June pm

Union with Christ.

John 15:1

Mr. Gwynne Evans

16th June am

Let the mind of Christ be in you.

Phil 2:5-11

Mr.Edward Hyde

16th June pm

The Loyal and Faithful Friend.

1 Samuel 9

Mr. Edward Hyde

9th June am

Trust in the Lord and Obey His Word pt.1

Joshua 6

Mr. Roger Cook

9th June pm

Behold the Judgement and the Mercy of Jehovah. pt.2

Joshua 6

Mr. Roger Cook

2nd June am

Fear Not for I have Redeemed you!

Isaiah 42:1-7

Mr. Keith Gilbert

2nd June pm

The doctrine of Christ, Christians and trials.

James 1:2-4

Pastor Abe Thomas

28h May pm

Strength and comfort in the midst of suffering.

1 Peter 5:10

Pastor Abe Thomas

26h May am

The Israel and Servant of Yahweh. pt.1

Isaiah 49:1-3

Pastor Abe Thomas

26h May pm

Biblical doctrine of Christ Jesus and the Christian.

James 1:1-9

Pastor Abe Thomas

19h May am


Luke 9:23-26

Mr.Ed Hyde

19th May pm


Mr. Ed Hyde

12th May am

The treachery of Israel and the longsuffering faithfulness of Jehovah. Isaiah 48:1-11

Pastor Abe Thomas

12th May pm

The Prince of Peace and The Judge of all the earth. pt 2.

Luke 12:54-56

Pastor Abe Thomas

5th May am

Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean.

Psalm 51:7

Pastor Abe Thomas

5th May pm

Faltering faith in the Storms of life.

Mark 4:35-41

Pastor Abe Thomas

28th April am

O Magnify The Lord.

Psalm 130

Mr. Keith Gilbert

28th April pm

The feeding of the many.

Math 14:1-21

Mr. S. St. John

21st April am

Profiting from trials.

James 1:1-12

Mr Francis Bates

21st April pm

The Prince of Peace and the Judge of all the earth.

Luke 12:51-53

Pastor Abe Thomas

14th April am

The Judgement of God and The Salvation of God. pt 2.

Luke 12:49-50

Pastor Abe Thomas

14th April pm

The believer's confidence and desire.

Psalm 73:25

Pastor Abe Thomas

7th April am

The earnest desire and distress of Christ.

Luke 12:50

Pastor Abe Thomas

7th April pm

Jehovah's kindness and direction to the lowly.

Genesis 16:4-9

Pastor Abe Thomas

31st Mar am

The Resurrection truth or myth.

1 Corinthians 15:12-19

Pastor Abe Thomas

31st Mar pm

I was so foolish-nevertheless You hold me by my right hand.

Psalm 73:21-24

Pastor Abe Thomas

29th Mar am

Behold The Lamb of God.

"Good Friday". Exodus 12:11-14

Pastor Abe Thomas

24th Mar am

The primacy and purpose of the Word gifts given by Christ. pt.1

Ephesians 4:11-13a

Pastor Abe Thomas

24th Mar pm

The primacy and purpose of the Word gifts given by Christ. pt.2

Ephesians 4:13b-14a

Pastor Abe Thomas

17th Mar am

Who then is a faithful and wise servant.

Luke 12:41-48

Pastor Abe Thomas

17th Mar pm

The ascended Christ give gifts to His Church.

Ephesians 4:7-12

Pastor Abe Thomas

10th Mar am

The Son of Man and Lord of all and Master.

Luke 12:35-47

Pastor Abe Thomas

10th Mar pm

Philemon the Gospel according to Paul.

Philemon 10-12

Pastor Abe Thomas

3rd Mar am

The purpose of the Church

Matthew 5:13-16

Pr. Steve Ridgeway

3rd Mar pm

Returning to God.

Psalm 85

Pr. Steve Ridgeway

25th Feb am

It pleased The Eternal Father to Bruise The Eternal Son.

Isaiah 53:10

Rev. Tim Burden

25th Feb pm

Turning from idols to serve the living God.

1 Thess 1:9,10

Mr. Keith Gilbert

18th Feb am

Behold the Lion and The Lamb of God.

Revelation 4-5

Mr. Gary Donaldson

18th Feb pm

The Foundation of Hope and Salvation.

Psalm 119:41-48

Mr, Gary Donaldson

11th Feb pm

Jehovah's exceeding rich and precious promises.

Genesis 15:1-3

Pastor Abe Thomas

6th Feb pm

The work and evidence of revival.

Nehemiah 8:1

Pastor Abe Thomas

4th Feb am

Unalterable Divine Appointments.

Hebrews 9:27,28

Pastor Abe Thomas

4th Feb pm

The perplexity Pain an immediate danger to the believer's soul. Psalm 73: 1-20

Pastor Abe Thomas

21st Jan am 2024

Do not be anxious, but consider!!

Luke 12:22-34

Pastor Abe Thomas

21st Jan pm 2024

The Eternal and Universal King.

Psalm 72:1-11.

Pastor Abe Thomas

14th Jan am 2024

Mary magnifies The Lord Her Saviour pt.2

Luke 1:46-53

Pastor Abe Thomas

14th Jan pm 2024

From the heights to the lows in the walk of faith.

Luke 1:54-56

Pastor Abe Thomas

7th Jan am 2024

Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows pt.1

Psalm 69:7-10,19-20a

Pastor Abe Thomas

7th Jan pm 2024

Mary's worship and understanding of God.

Luke 1:46-53a

Pastor Abe Thomas

31st Dec am

The supernatural work of God The Holy Spirit

Luke 1:41

Pastor Abe Thomas

31st Dec pm

Forgetting the past and pressing toward the goal.

Philippians 3:12-16

Rev. Tom Allen

25th Dec am

God coming in the likeness of men.

Matthew 1:1-11

Pastor Abe Thomas

24th Dec am

Elizabeth being filled with God The Holy Spirit.

Luke 1:1-41pa

Pastor Abe Thomas

17th Dec am

And Behold you shall The Power of The Highest.

Luke 1:26-38

Pastor Abe Thomas

17th Dec pm

The Son is given and a child is to be born.

Isa 9:6

Pastor Abe Thomas

10th Dec am

The Superiority of knowing Christ.

Philippians 2:8

Rev. Tom Allen

10th Dec pm

Living by faith.

Jeremiah 32:1-15

Rev. Tom Allen

3rd Dec am

The Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God

2 Corinthians 4.6

Rev. Tim Burden

3rd Dec pm

Come to Me all who labour and are heavy laden.

Matthew 11:28

Rev. Tim Burden

26th Nov am

Life does not consist in the abundance of things.

Luke 12:15-21

Pastor Abe Thomas

26th Nov pm

O you of little reasoning and little faith.

Luke 12:22-28

Pastor Abe Thomas

19th Nov am

The Light in the confusion and darkness of this world. pt.1

1 Timothy 3:15

Pastor Abe Thomas

19th Nov pm

The Light in the confusion and darkness of this world. pt.2

1 Timothy 3:16

Pastor Abe Thomas

12th Nov pm

The reality in daily life.

Titus 2:1-13

Mr. Roger Cook

5th Nov am

The promise and means of Salvation.

Gen 3:20-21

Pastor Abe Thomas

5th Nov pm

The unshakeable work of God in the soul of man!

1 Peter 1:13a

Pastor Abe Thomas

22nd Oct am

God the Father has annointed God the Son as King.

Psalm 2

Mr. Francis Bates

22nd Oct pm

Father, the hour has come.

John 13:1, John 17:1

Mr. Bush Hogg

15th Oct am

Jehovah; Israel's Shepherd.

Genesis 48:15-16

Pastor Abe Thomas

15th Oct pm

Prophecies about events of the end of time.

Mark 13:1-8

Pastor Abe Thomas

8th Oct am

Foretelling, forewarning & Strengthening of the Disciples.

Luke 12:11-12

Pastor Abe Thomas

8th Oct pm

The folly of the love of money. pt.1

Luke 12:13-15a

Pastor Abe Thomas

1st Oct am

The Triune God and the Unpardonable sin.

Luke 12:8-10a

Pastor Abe Thomas

24th Sept am

Warning, Guidance and Encouragement for the disciples of Jesus Christ. Luke 12:1-5

Pastor Abe Thomas

24th Sept pm

Choose this day Whom you will worship and serve.

Luke 12:1,6-9

Pastor Abe Thomas

17th Sept am

The severity of Christ to the religious leaders. pt2

Luke 11:45-54

Pastor Abe Thomas

17th Sept pm

The Absolute Sovereignty of The God of Israel.

Daniel 1:1-2

Pastor Abe Thomas

10th Sept am

Imitating Christ.

2 Corinthians 6:11

Mr. Edward Hyde

10th Sept pm

The God of all grace perfecting His people.

1Peter 5:10-11

Pastor Abe Thomas

3rd Sept am

The ascent and decent of Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 4:8-10

Pastor Abe Thomas

3rd Sept am

In God we trust - In God we boast.

Psalm 44:1-8

Pastor Abe Thomas

27th Aug am

The absolute necessity of the believer and the Church

Ephesians 4:1-6

Pastor Abe Thomas

27th Aug pm

Behold My Servant, My Elect!

Isaiah 42:1-9a

Pastor Abe Thomaas.

20th Aug am

Jesus Christ denounces the religious leaders.

Luke 11:40-44

Pastor Abe Thomas

20th Aug pm

The true people of God.

Philippians 3:3

Pastor Abe Thomaas.

13th Aug am

Taking heed according to your Word.

Psalm 119:1-24

Mr. Gary Donaldson

13th Aug pm

The road to Emmaus.

Luke 24

Mr. Gary Donaldson

6th Aug am

The danger of the religious and the morally upright.

Luke 11:37-40

Pastor Abe Thomas

6th Aug pm

Unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above - be glory in the Church!. Ephesians 3:20-21

Pastor Abe Thomas

30th Jul am

The lamp and the light and the eye and the body.

Luke 11:33-36

Pastor Abe Thomas

30th Jul pm

God is able to do exceedingly above!.

Ephesians 3:20-21

Pastor Abe Thomas

23rd Jul am

No sign will be given except that of Jonah.

Luke 11:29-32

Pastor Abe Thomas

23rd Jul pm

Praying for a fuller knowledge and love of God.

Ephesians 3:16-19

Pastor Abe Thomas

16th Jul am

Will you go with this man.

Genesis 24:58

Mr. Edward Hyde

16th Jul pm

Our Inheritance Beyond.

1 Peter 1:1-12

Mr. Edward Hyde

9th Jul pm

The calling of God.

Mark 3:13-17

Pastor Tom Allen

2nd Jul am

The apostle's prayer for the Ephesian believers. pt 4

Ephesians 3:18-19

Pastor Abe Thomas

2nd Jul pm

A good woman's view of blessing and our Lord's greater view of blessing.

Pastor Abe Thomas

25th Jun am

Don't lose your focus

1Peter 1:13-21

Pastor Steve Ridgeway

25th Jun pm

Building better for God

Haggai 2:1-15

Pastor Steve Ridgeway

18th Jun am

Is anyone weeping for you?

Jeremiah ch.8 ch.9

Mr. Francis Bates

18th Jun pm

Saul's first great failure

1 Samuel ch.30

Mr. Roger Cook

11th Jun am

The last state worse than the first.

Luke 11:24-26a

Pastor A Thomas

4th Jun pm

The Apostle's prayer for the Ephesian believers. pt.2

Ephesians 3:16-17

Pastor A Thomas

28th May am

Going through dry places and seeking rest.

Luke 11:24a

Pastor A Thomas

28th May pm

The Apostle's prayer for the Church at Ephesus. pt. 1

Ephesians 3:16

Pastor A Thomas

21st May am

There is Salvation in no other. pt.1

Psalm 65:3

Pastor A Thomas

21st May pm

The response of Paul to the God of Salvation. pt.2

Ephesians 3:14-16

Pastor A Thomas

14th May am

True and acceptable worship of The Living God.

Psalm 65:1

Pastor A Thomas

14th May pm

Suffering and glory.

Ephesians 3:13

Pastor A Thomas

7th May am

The intent of the preaching of the Gospel of God. pt.2

Ephesians 3:10-12

Pastor A Thomas

7th May pm

The reponse of Paul to the God of Salvation.

Ephesians 3:14-15

Pastor A Thomas

30th April am

The God of all blessing, power, riches & wisdom.

Ephesians 1,3:3-10

Pastor A Thomas

30th April pm

The purpose of the preaching of the Gospel of God. pt.1

Ephesians 3:8-9

Pastor A Thomas

25th April pm

True deep Christian Fellowship.

James 5:16

H Mano. Sri Lanka

23rd April am

The strong man and One stronger than him.

Luke 11:21-23

Pastor A Thomas

23rd April pm

The Law of God and the Christ of God.

Psalm 1,2

Mr. Gary Donaldson

16th April am

The strong man and One stronger than him.

Luke 11:21-22

Pastor A Thomas

16th April pm

The manifold wiisdom of God.

Ephesians 3:9-10

Pastor A Thomas

9th April am

He shall see His seed and be satisfied.

Isaiah 53:9-12

Pastor A Thomas

9th April pm

The unsearchable riches of Christ.

Ephesians 3:7-8

Pastor A Thomas

2nd April am

God - Just and Justifier of sinners.

Romans 3:25-26

Pastor A Thomas

2nd April pm

Amazing grace to a wretched sinner.

Ephesians 3:7-8a

Pastor A Thomas

26th Mar pm


Isaiah 57:14,15

Mr. Keith Gilbert

19th Mar am

I have set Jehovah always before me.

Psalm 63:1

Pastor A Thomas

19th Mar pm

I have set Jehovah always before me. pt.2

Psalm 63:2-5

Pastor A Thomas

12th Mar am

The power and compassion of Christ.

Luke 11:14-23

Pastor A Thomas

12th Mar pm

In the beginning God.

Genesis 1:1-13.

Pastor A Thomas

5th Mar pm

Bless Jehovah O my soul and forget not...

Gen 8:20

Pastor A Thomas

26th Feb am & pm

The redeemed of the Lord. - Deliverance from destruction. Ps 107. Morning. followed by

Beholding Him we are changed. 2 Corinthians: 3. Evening.

Mr. Keith Gilbert

19th Feb am

Stephen the Servant of the Lord.

Acts 6

Mr Roger Cook.

19th Feb pm

Standing firm in difficult times.

Acts 7

Mr. Roger Cook.

12th Feb am

Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.

Psalm 30:5

Mr Bush Hogg.

12th Feb pm

Wars and rumours of wars and earthquakes!

Mark 13:3-13

Pastor A Thomas

5th Feb pm

The mystery of the Church of Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 3:1-6

Pastor A Thomas

29th Jan am

The matter and pattern of Prayer.

Luke 11:1-13

Pastor A Thomas

29th Jan pm

God the Judge and God the Saviour.

Genesis 6:5-18

Pastor A Thomas

22nd Jan am

How God's people are to live in exile in Babylon.

Daniel 1,2

Mr. Francis Bates

15th Jan am

Solid foundation-Living Stones and Holy Temple.

Eph 2:19-22

Pastor A Thomas

15th Jan pm

Desiring God.

Psalm 27:4

Pastor A Thomas

8th Jan am

Lord teach us to pray.

Luke 11:1-2

Pastor A Thomas

8th Jan pm

Christ our Peace.

Ephesians 2:14-18

Pastor A Thomas

1st Jan

2023 am

Therefore Remember.

Eph 1:11-13

Pastor A Thomas

1st Jan pm

By the blood of Christ Jesus

Ephesians 2:13

Pastor A Thomas

25th Dec am

For unto us a Son is given.

Isaiah 9:6

Pastor A Thomas

25th Dec pm

Saved not by works but works following.

Ephesians 2:9-10

Pastor A Thomas

18th Dec am

Salvation by grace through faith.

Ephesians 2:8

Pastor A Thomas

11th Dec am

All have sinned.

Romans 3:23

Mr.James Buss

27th Nov am

The one thing needed.

Luke 10:38

Pastor A Thomas

27th Nov pm

The glory of the life we have in Christ Jesus.

Ephesians 2:6,7

Pastor A Thomas

20th Nov am

But God is rich in mercy!

Eph 2:4-5

Pastor A Thomas

20th Nov pm

The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Genesis 5.

Pastor A Thomas

13th Nov am

What must i do to inherit eternal life.


Pastor A Thomas

13th Nov pm

He brought me up out of a horrible pit.

Ephesians 2:1-3

Pastor A Thomas

6th Nov am

Lest I forget Gethsemane.

Matthew 26:36-42

Pastor A Thomas

6th Nov pm

The Prayer of The Apostle Paul. pt2

Ephesians 1:18a-19

Pastor A Thomas

1st Nov pm

Daniel setting his face toward The Lord God.

Daniel 9:3-

Pastor A Thomas

30th Oct am

Not unto us Jehovah but to your Name give glory. pt 2.

Luke 10:17-24

Pastor A Thomas

30th Oct pm

The instructive prayer of The Apostle Paul.

Ephesians 1:15-18

Pastor A Thomas

23rd Oct am

The accuser of the brethren hast been cast down.

Rev 12:10

Mr.Francis Bates

23rd Oct pm

Christ's gracious invitation.

Matthew 11:28-30

Mr.Francis Bates

16th Oct am

Paul at Lystra.

Acts 14:15-17

Mr. Keith Gilbert.

16th Oct pm

A special people.

1 Peter 2:9

Mr.Keith Gilbert.

9th Oct am

The blessings of being in Christ. pt.5.

Ephesians 1:12-14

Pastor Abe Thomas.

9th Oct pm

Not unto us Jehovah but to your name give glory.

Luke 10:17-20

Pastor Abe Thomas.

4th Oct pm

The desolations of Jerusalem and Daniel's response.

Daniel 9:1-3

Pastor Abe Thomas.

2nd Oct am

The holiness of God and the mercy of God.

Genesis 3:22-24

Pastor Abe Thomas.

2nd Oct pm

The blessings of being in Christ! Pt. 4

Ephesians 1:11-12

Pastor Abe Thomas

25th Sep am

The Judgement and defeat of Satan.

Luke 10:17-18

Pastor Abe Thomas.

25th Sep pm

In Him we have Redemption.

Ephesians 1:7

Pastor Abe Thomas

18th Sep am

The blessings of being in Christ pt.2.

Eph 1:3-6

Pastor Abe Thomas.

18th Sep pm

Sheltering in the promise of Salvation in the midst of judgement. Genesis 3:20-21

Pastor Abe Thomas

11th Sep am

The vanity of life and the purpose of life.

Eccl 3:14

Pastor Abe Thomas.

11th Sep pm

The blessings of being in Christ.

Ephesians 1:1-3

Pastor Abe Thomas

4th Sep am

The treachery of the people of God and the faithfulness of Jehovah. Isaiah 48:16-18

Pastor Abe Thomas.

4th Sep pm

The apostle Paul to the church in Ephesus.

Ephesians 1:1

Pastor Abe Thomas

21st Aug pm

Offer your bodies a living sacrifice.

Romans 12:1,2

Mr. Edward Hyde.

14th Aug am

Christ Jesus came in to the world to save sinners.

Matthew 8:1-13

Pastor Abe Thomas

14th Aug pm

Jehovah of Hosts - The redeemer of His people.

Isaiah 47:4,15pa

Pastor Abe Thomas

7th Aug am

The cost of being a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Luke 9:57-62

Pastor Abe Thomas

31st July am

Come to Me and take My yoke upon you.

Matthew 11:25-30

Pastor Abe Thomas

31st July pm

To whom will you liken Me.

Isaiah 46:1-7

Pastor Abe Thomas

24th July am

Pressing in to the Kingdom.

Matthew 11:7-19

Pastor Abe Thomas

24th July pm

Human pride contrasted with Jehovah's longsuffering and grace. Isaiah 45:20-25

Pastor Abe Thomas

17th July am

John the Baptist in prison and in doubt.

Matthew 11:1-6

Pastor Abe Thomas

10th July am

Jehovah sovereign in history and in Salvation.

Isaiah 45:1-7

Pastor Abe Thomas

10th July pm

Human arrogance and Jehovah's sovereignty and covenant faithfulness. Isaiah 45:9-13

Pastor Abe Thomas

3rd July am

In the day of the Spirit of Grace.

Zechariah 12:10-14

Pastor Abe Thomas

26th Jun am

And Jehovah shall be King over all the earth.

Zechariah 14:9a

Pastor Abe Thomas

26th Jun pm

God made man in His image and likeness.

Genesis 1:26-2:1

Pastor Abe Thomas

19th Jun am

How to live as a Christian.

Phil 2:1-11

Mr.Stephen St.John

19th Jun pm

Who is Jesus and what are we?

Matthew 21:23-32

Mr.Stephen St.John

12th Jun am

Counting the cost of being a disciple of Christ Jesus.

Luke 9:57-58

Pastor Abe Thomas

12th Jun pm

Judgement and Salvation in that Day.

Zech 14:1-5

Pastor Abe Thomas

5th Jun pm

Assurance and certainty of Salvation.

Romans 8:1

Pastor Abe Thomas

29th May am

The Samaritans reject Jesus the Messiah.

Luke 9:52,53

Pastor Abe Thomas

29th May pm

The burden of the Word of Jehovah regarding Jerusalem and Judah. Zec 12:1-9

Pastor Abe Thomas

22nd May pm

The secret of true blessings

Philipians 4:4-7

Mr. Roger Cook

15th May pm

Remarkable man-Marvellous faith & Omnipotent Saviour.

Luke 7:2-10

Pastor Abe Thomas

8th May am

Now O Israel What does Jehovah your God require of you.Deuteronomy 10:12-13

Mr Howard Sayers

8th May pm

Our glorious inheritance in Christ.

Ephesians 1:8

Mr Howard Sayers

1st May pm

Christ our spiritual food.


Rev. Tim Burden.

24th Apr am

Why should I fear in the face of evil and iniquity!

Psalm 49

Pastor Abe Thomas.

24th Apr pm

Spiritual Distress of the soul and its remedy..

Psalm 42:1-5a

Pastor Abe Thomas.

17th Apr am

Abraham reasoned that God was able to raise the dead.

Genesis 22:1-14

Pastor Abe Thomas.

17th Apr pm

He is risen as He said.

Matt 28:1-1-10

Pastor Abe Thomas.

15th Good Fri

Atonement in Blood.

Lev 17:11

Pastor Abe Thomas.

10th Apr am

Jehovah the Wise and True Shepherd.

Zech :11

Pastor Abe Thomas.

10th Apr pm

Blessings on blessings through ages unending.

Galatians 1:1-5

Pastor Abe Thomas.

3rd Apr am

The Blessings in Christ from age to age.

Zech 9:9-12

Pastor Abe Thomas.

3rd Apr pm

Jehovah guides His people in the paths of righteousness. Zech 10

Pastor Abe Thomas.

27th Mar 22 am

The King eternal and of all the earth.

Zech 9:9-10a

Pastor Abe Thomas.

27th Mar 22 pm

The complete and final victory in Christ.

Romans 16:20

Pastor Abe Thomas.





12th Dec pm

Christ the All Sufficient Saviour of Sinners.

I John 1:1-2

Pastor Gary Brady.

5th Dec am

Psalm 102

Mr. Mostyn Roberts.

5th Dec pm

Romans 1:16-17

Mr Mostyn Roberts.

28th Nov am

God sees and God hears the prayers of His people!

Luke 1:5-13

Pastor Abe Thomas.

28th Nov pm

The promises of Jehovah never fail.

Luke 1:13-17

Pastor Abe Thomas.

21st Nov am

Since all these things will be undone...! Pt.3.

2 Peter 3:15

Pastor Abe Thomas.

21st Nov pm

How to live in times of discouragement and distress.

Luke 1:5-11pa

Pastor Abe Thomas.

14th Nov am

Since all these things will be undone...! Pt.2.

2 Peter3:12-14

Pastor Abe Thomas.

14th Nov pm

The witnesses to Jesus Christ.

Luke 1:1-4

Pastor Abe Thomas.

7th Nov am

God will provide for Himself The Sacrifice.

Psalm 40:6-8

Pastor Abe Thomas.

7th Nov pm

What is impossible with men is possible with God.

Luke 9:37-42

Pastor Abe Thomas.

31st Oct am

This man receives sinners.

Luke 15:2

Mr. Edward Hyde

31st Oct pm

Blessings untold in Christ Jesus.

Ephesians 2

Mr. Edward Hyde

24th Oct am

Righteousness by faith and not by works.

Romans 3

Mr. Steve Ridgeway

24th Oct pm

Faith in action in the day of distress.

Psalm 4

Mr. Steve Ridgeway

17th Oct am

Since all these things will be undone ...

2 Peter 3:11-13

Pastor A Thomas

10th Oct am

The covenant grace of God to disobedient people of God pt.1 Zec 7:1-8-8:6

Pastor A Thomas

10th Oct pm

Phil 1.18-21

The Day of The Lord will surely come!

2 Peter 3:7-9a

Pastor A Thomas

3rd Oct am

Jehovah's eternal covenant with Abraham.

Genesis 12:1-3

Pastor A Thomas

3rd Oct pm

Reasons for Unbelief-2(1)

2 Peter 3:7-9a

Pastor A Thomas

26th Sep am

A sign in the Sky.

Genesis 9:8-17

Pastor A Thomas

26th Sep pm

Reasons for unbelief.

2 Peter 3:1-7

Pastor A Thomas

19th Sep am

Conflict, Resolution and Lasting Choices.

Genesis 13:5-18

Pastor A Thomas

19th Sep pm

Counted-Credited righteous by faith alone.

Romans 4:1-3

Pastor A Thomas

12th Sep am

The glory of Christ. In His Being.

Luke 9:28-32

Pastor A Thomas

12th Sep pm

Jehovah of hosts promises restoration to the people of God. Zechariah 8:1-6

Pastor A Thomas

5th Sep am

Jehovah my God and my Salvation.

Psalm 38

Pastor A Thomas

5th Sep pm

Jehovah's guidance for the present and His glorious plans for His people. Jeremiah 29:11-14

Pastor A Thomas

29th Aug am

Whoever desires to come after Me!

Luke 9:23-26

Pastor A Thomas

29th Aug pm

As Moses lifted up the serpent.

John 3:14

Mr. Bush Hogg

22nd Aug pm

But Now The Righteousness of God..

Romans 3:19-31 vs.31

Mr. Francis Bates

15th Aug am

Let God be true and every man a liar.

Psalm 36:1-7

Pastor A Thomas

15th Aug pm

A heart searching question and a promise of comfort.

Zech 7:3b-8:2

Pastor A Thomas

10th Aug

Bible Study

Jehovah The Avenger of His people.

Psalm 35:1-10

Pastor A Thomas

8th Aug am

Jesus Christ - Who do you say that I am!.

Luke 9:18-22

Pastor A Thomas

8th Aug pm

Blessed is the man who trusts in Jehovah!

Psalm 34:8pa

Pastor A Thomas

25th Jul am

The characteristics of Jehovah's people.

Psalm 32:6

Pastor A Thomas

1st Aug pm

Confidence in Yahweh in the crushing darkness of life. pt 2. Psalm 31:14

Pastor A Thomas

25th Jul am

The characteristics of Jehovah's people.

Psalm 32:6

Pastor A Thomas

25th Jul pm

The problem with man and the provision of Jehovah.

Psalm 32:1-5

Pastor A Thomas

18th Jul am

Paul's final evaluation of his life.

2 Tim 4:8

Pastor A Thomas

18th Jul pm

Jehovah's faithfulness is steadfast and sure.

1 Samuel 7

Pastor A Thomas

11th Jul am

Paul's final words about his life in Christ. D.V. Pt 1.

2 Tim 4:7

Pastor A Thomas

11th Jul pm

Paul's final words about his life in Christ. D.V. Pt 2.

2 Tim 4:7

Pastor A Thomas

4th Jul am

Extol Jehovah’s Name. Part-3.

Psalm 30:6-8

Pastor A Thomas

4th Jul pm

Let not your heart be troubled.

John 14:1-3

Pastor A Thomas

20th Jun am

Herod and his complexity about Jesus.

Luke 9:7-9

Pastor A Thomas

20th Jun pm

Jehovah's Patience and Promise to Bless His People

Mal 3:6-12

Pastor A Thomas

13th Jun pm

The Name[s] of The God of The Bible Pt.1

Pastor A Thomas

6th Jun am

Growing in grace. pt1

Zech 7:1-3a

Pastor A Thomas

6th Jun pm

The Lord Christ sending out His apostles

Luke 9:1-16

Pastor A Thomas

30th May am

Be not conformed but be transformed by the renewing of your minds. 2 Peter 3:1-2

Pastor A Thomas

30th May pm

From His place He shall branch out & build the temple of Jehovah. Zech 6:12-15

Pastor A Thomas

23rd May am


Zech 6:9-13

Pastor A Thomas

23rd May pm

Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Pt-2

2 Pet 2:18-22pa

Pastor A Thomas

16th May am

The 8th vision of the 2 mountains and the 4 chariots.

Zech 6:1-8pa

Pastor A Thomas

16th May pm

The Ancient of Days and The Son of Man!

Dan 7:13-14

Pastor A Thomas

11th May.

B. Study

The All Sufficient and faithful YHWH! pt.5

Psalm 27:7-9

Pastor A Thomas

9th May am

The Word of God is not chained.

Zech 5:1-4

Pastor A Thomas

9th May pm

The woman in the basket- The seventh vision.

Zech 5:5-11

Pastor A Thomas

4th May

Bible Study

Jehovah our All Sufficient God.

Psalm 27:5,6

Pastor A Thomas

2nd May am

Wolves in sheep's clothing. pt-1

2 Peter 2:9-17

Pastor A Thomas

2nd May pm

The fifth vision- The lamps of gold and the two Olive Trees. pt-2 Zech 4:6-14

Pastor A Thomas

25th Apr am

Beholding the beauty of Jehovah pt-2

Psalm 27:4

Pastor A Thomas

25th Apr pm

The fifth vision- The lamps of gold and the two Olive Trees. Zech 4:1-7

Pastor A Thomas

18th Apr am

Beholding the beauty of Jehovah pt-1

Psalm 27:4pa

Pastor A Thomas

18th Apr pm

Arise O Lord!

Psalm 74.

Mr.G Donaldson

11th Apr am

The whole counsel of God and the doctrine of salvation by grace. Zec 3.1-7

Pastor A Thomas

11th Apr pm

My Servant The Branch and The Stone-4th vision-pt 2.

Zec 3.8-10

Pastor A Thomas

4th Apr Easter Sun

It was impossible for death to hold Jesus Christ.

Acts 2:24

Pastor A Thomas

4th Apr pm

Paul’s preaching at Athens

Acts 17:16-34

Pastor A Thomas

2nd April. Good Friday

My God My God Why have you forsaken Me!.

Psalm 22:1

Pastor A Thomas

28th Mar am

Day of Judgement Day of Wonders.

2 Peter 2: 1-9

Pastor A Thomas

28th Mar pm

The city of God will prosper again pt.2

Zech 2:5-13

Pastor A Thomas

21st Mar am

Assurance & Abundant entry into the eternal kingdom of our 2 Pet 1:16-21

Pastor A Thomas

21st Mar pm

The city of God will prosper again 3rd vision. Pt.1

Zech 2:1-5a

Pastor A Thomas

14th Mar am

Assurance & Abundant entry into the eternal kingdom of our 2 Pet 1:5-11pa

Pastor A Thomas

14th Mar pm

The comfort and hope of little Judah-2nd vision.

Zech 1:18-21

Pastor A Thomas

7th Mar am

Assurance and Abundant entrance into the kingdom of our Lord! 2 Pet 1:5-11

Pastor A Thomas

7th Mar pm

The comfort and hope of Judah in exile-The first vision.

Zech 1:7-17

Pastor A Thomas

2nd Mar


May Jehovah God be with us and incline our hearts to Himself. 1 Kings 8:57-58

Pastor A Thomas

28th Feb am

The Power and the Grace of Jesus Christ.

Luke 8:22-56a

Pastor A Thomas

28th Feb pm

Habakkuk rejoices in the midst of turmoil!

Hab 3:16-19

Pastor A Thomas

23rd Feb pm

Bible Study

The Anointed King of Israel.

Psalm 20

Pastor A Thomas

21st Feb am

Under the shadow of The Lord's wings.

Ruth 2.

Rev. Gareth Jones

21st Feb pm

Useless or Usefull!

Ephesians 2:1-10, Philemon 1-12

Rev. Gareth Jones

14th Feb am

Be anxious for nothing.

Phil 4:6-8

Rev. Tim Burden

14th Feb pm

Having boldness to enter the Holiest by...

Hebrews 10:19-22

Rev. Tim Burden

9th Feb B. Study

Drawing near to God

James 4:6-10

Pastor A Thomas

7nd Feb am

Who touched Me!

Luke 8:43-48

Pastor A Thoma

7th Feb pm

God is in His temple! Let the earth be silent before Him.

Habakkuk 2:20-3:2

Pastor A Thoma

2nd Feb B. Study

A Psalm pointing to Christ, His Salvation Work and His Kingdom. Psalm 18:49-50

Pastor A Thomas

31st Jan am

Come to Me all who labour and heavy laden!

Luke 8:40-44

Pastor A Thoma

31st Jan pm

Rejoice in the salvation of Jehovah with Trembling.

Hab 3:3-16

Pastor A Thoma

24th Jan am

God's provision and manifold grace.

2 Kings 4

Mr. H Sayers

24th Jan pm

What think you about The Christ.

Matt 16:15

Mr. H Sayers

19th Jan B. Study

Prayer for the supply of The Spirit of Jesus Christ.

Phil 1:19

Pastor A Thomas

17th Jan am

For me to live is Christ!

Phil 1:18-21

Pastor A Thomas

17th Jan pm

For me to die is gain!

Phil 1:21-26

Pastor A Thomas

12th Jan B. Study

The mystery of Divine Personality.

Psalm 18:29-45

Pastor A Thomas

10th Jan am

Jehovah took me out of the miry clay and set my feet upon the Rock! 2 Peter 1:3-4a

Pastor A Thomas

10th Jan pm

Zech 1.1-6

In wrath Jehovah Remembers mercy!

Pastor A Thomas

3rd Jan 2021 am

Nothing is too hard for Jehovah!

Jer 32:16-25

Pastor A Thomas

3rd Jan pm

A sure and certain word from God!

2 Peter 1:1a

Pastor A Thomas

29th Dec B.St

Be courageous for Jehovah is with you.

Deuteronomy 31:1-6

Pastor A Thomas

27th Dec am

Jeremiah troubled about the future of Jehovah's people. Jer 32:16-19

Pastor A Thomas

20th Dec am

The longsuffering and mercy of God to those who reject Him. Luke 8:32-39

Pastor A Thomas

20th Dec pm

Where is He who has been born The King of the Jews. Matthew 2:1-11

Pastor A Thomas

13th Dec am

The blessedness of trusting in Jehovah.

Jer 17:5-7

Mr Gwynn Evans

13th Dec pm

The God of the impossible.

Luke 1:1-25

Mr Gwynn Evans

29th Nov am

Building on the Rock.

Luke 6:46-49

Pastor A Thomas

29th Nov pm

The God of the Covenant.

Exodus 3:1-9

Pastor A Thomas

24th Nov pm

Bible Study

Jehovah our Deliverer from all our enemies. pt.1.

Pslam 18:18-27

Pastor A Thomas

22nd Nov am

True Spiritual worship. pt.1

Luke 8:25-2

Pastor A Thomas

22nd Nov pm

The Power of Jesus over hell! pt.1

Luke 8:26-33a

Pastor A Thomas

15th Nov am

Who can this be that even the winds and the sea obey Him. Luke 8:22-25

Pastor A Thomas

15th Nov pm

Jehovah the deliverer of His people. Pt 3

Psalm 18:7-16

Pastor A Thomas

10th Nov pm

Bible Study

The heavens and the earth declare the glory of God.

Pslam 19:1-6

Pastor A Thomas

8th Nov am

There is a Redeemer Jesus God’s own Son.

Isaiah 47:1-4

Pastor A Thomas

8th Nov pm

Take heed how your hear.

Luke 8:16-21

Pastor A Thomas

1st Nov am

The blessedness of being a Christian.

1 Peter 2:9

Pastor A Thomas

1st Nov pm

The Assurance of eternal life in Christ Jesus.

1 John 5:13

Pastor A Thomas

25th Oct am

John 14:1-6

Mr, Bush Hogg

20th Oct pm

Bible Study

Prayer based on the love and tender covenant promises of Jehovah. Psalm 17:8

Pastor A Thomas

18th Oct am

Blessed is he who does not stumble over Me.

Luke 7:18-28

Rev. Tim Burden

18th Oct pm

Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.

Luke 7:50

Rev. Tim Burden

13th Oct pm

Bible Study

Prayer of integrity of life and confidence in God.

Psalm 17:1-7

Pastor A Thomas

11th Oct am

Jesus Cried out saying He who has ears let him hear!

Luke 8: 4-15

Pastor A Thomas

4th Oct am

Faith Hope and Joy in the Face of Death!

Psalm 16

Pastor A Thomas

4th Oct pm

Fear not Abram I Am your Shield and your Reward.

Psalm 15:1.

Pastor A Thomas

29th Sep pm

Bible Study

The inheritance of Jehovah's people.

Psalm 16:5-6

Pastor A Thomas

22nd Sep pm

Bible Study

Prayer of faith for preservation.

Psalm 16:1-4pa

Pastor A Thomas

20th Sep am

The highest and most glorious blessing bestowed upon His people. Psalm 15:1

Pastor A Thomas

20th Sep pm

The Servant of Jehovah amd the servants of Christ.

Luke 8:1-3pa.

Pastor A Thomas

15th Sep pm

Bible Study

The fool, the wicked & the righteous.

Psalm 14

Pastor A Thomas

13th Sep am

So blessed and yet so little understanding and love.

Luke 7:36-50 pt.2

Pastor A Thomas

13th Sep pm

I will arise says Jehovah!

Psalm 12.

Pastor A Thomas

6th Sep am

Little love due to little understanding of the great debt we owe. Luke7:36-50 pt.1

Pastor A Thomas

6th Sep pm

Oh, that I knew where I might find Him!

Job 23:1-12

Pastor A Thomas

1st Sep pm

Bible Study

The diminishing of the faithful and the increase of the self-serving. Psalm 12:1,2

Pastor A Thomas

30th Aug am

Oh that My people would listen to Me.

Psalm 81

Mr. M Hobbis

30th Aug pm

Ascribe greatness to our God.

Deuteronomy 32:3-4

Mr. M Hobbis

25th Aug pm

Bible Study

The Peace of God.

Philippians 4:4-7

Mr Jonathan McClure

23rd Aug am

Jesus' self-isolating.

Luke 4:13,14

Rev. Tim Burden

18th Aug pm

Bible Study

Standing firm in Jehovah The Righteous!!

Psalm 11

Pastor A Thomas

16th Aug am

Remember this and be mature.

Isaiah 46:8a.

Pastor A Thomas

9th Aug am

To whom will you liken Me?

Isaiah 46:1-7

Pastor A Thomas

9th Aug pm

True, persistent and thoughtful faith in Christ.

Mark 7:24-30

Pastor A Thomas

2nd Aug am

The will of God for ourselves.

Luke 7:29-35 part 1.

Pastor A Thomas

2nd Aug pm

God and His Wisdom is justified by all her children!

Luke 7:29-35 part 2.

Pastor A Thomas

28th Jul pm.

Bible study

Fear not, for I am with you:

Isaiah 41:8-10.

Pastor A Thomas

26th Jul am

The plans of men and the determination of Jehovah!

Gen 11:1-9

Pastor A Thomas

26th Jul pm

Jehovah is King of History and Saviour of His people.

1 Peter 1:14-16

Pastor A Thomas

21st July pm.

Bible study

Human pride contrasted with Jehovah’s Longsuffering and Grace. Isaiah 45:20-25.

Pastor A Thomas

19th Jul am

Therefore work out your salvation in fear and trembling for ... 1 Peter 1:13

Pastor A Thomas

19th Jul pm

Jehovah is King of History and Saviour of His people

Daniel 1:1,2

Pastor A Thomas

12th Jul am

The grace that awaits the believer on the Day of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:13

Pastor A Thomas

12th Jul pm

Behold the day is coming!!

Malachi 4:1-6

Pastor A Thomas

7th July pm.

Bible study

A prayer of David for The Annointed King.

Psalm 20:1.

Pastor A Thomas

5th Jul am

David's prayer in the day of trouble and His certaintly of the Glory to be. Psalm 17:13-15

Pastor A Thomas

5th Jul pm

The unsearchable work of God in the soul of man!.

1 Peter 1:13a

Pastor A Thomas

30th Jun pm.

Bible study

Pattern of Prayer and confidence in Prayer.

Psalm 17:1-12.

Pastor A Thomas

28th Jun am

The fulness of divine blessings to us in Christ Jesus.

1 Peter 1:10-12

Pastor A Thomas

28th Jun pm

People and Princes plot against Christ the KIng.

Psalm 2

Pastor A Thomas

23rd Jun pm.

Bible study

Praise Jehovah !!!

Psalm 111.

Pastor A Thomas

21st Jun am

The God of Judgement. The God of Salvation.

Isaiah 45:14-19

Pastor A Thomas

21st Jun pm

Supernatural Faith, Love, Hope and Joy inexpressible.

1 Peter 1:8,9.

Pastor A Thomas

14th Jun am

The purpose of suffering for a time.

1 Peter 1:6,7

Pastor A Thomas

14th Jun pm

Why do You stand afar off O Jehovah!

Psalm 10.

Pastor A Thomas

7th June am

Begotten to an etenal inheritance.

1 Peter 1:4,5

Pastor A Thomas

7th June pm

O Jehovah let Your hand help me.

Psalm 119:169-176

Pastor A Thomas

2nd June pm

Bible Study.


Jeremiah 10:16-23

Pastor A Thomas

31st May am

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ

1 Peter 1:3

Pastor A Thomas

31st May pm

I will praise You O Jehovah with my whole heart.

Psalm 9

Pastor A Thomas

26th May pm

Bible Study.

Jehovah is my portion and inheritance!!.

Jeremiah 10:1-16

Pastor A Thomas

24th May am

Marvels of mercy in Christ Jesus.

1Peter 1:2pa

Pastor A Thomas

24th May pm

Peace and Safety in time of trouble.

Psalm 4

Pastor A Thomas

19th May pm

Bible Study.

There is none like you O Jehovah.

Jeremiah 10:1-7

Pastor A Thomas

17th May am

Sanctify them pt1.

John 17:17a

Pastor A Thomas

17h May pm

Who can this be!!

Mark 4:35-41

Pastor A Thomas

10h May am

John 17:9-16

Pastor A Thomas

10th May pm

But Jehovah is in his Holy Temple.

Habakkuk 2:20a

Pastor A Thomas

3rd May am

Zoom meeting Sunday May 3rd morning service.

Pastor A Thomas

3rd May pm

Zoom meeting Sunday May 3rd evening service.

Pastor A Thomas

26th April am

Zoom meeting Sunday April 26th morning service.

Pastor A Thomas

26th April pm

Zoom meeting Sunday April 26th evening service.

Pastor A Thomas

19th April am

Zoom meeting Sunday April 19th morning service.

Pastor A Thomas

19th April pm

Zoom meeting Sunday April 19th evening service.

Pastor A Thomas

19th April pm

Profound dilemmas and biblical wisdom. pt.3

Habakkuk 2:4-20pa

Pastor A Thomas

12th Apr am

Hossanah to the King of Kings.

Matt 28:1-10

Pastor A Thomas

12th Apr pm

Profound dilemmas and biblical wisdom. pt.2

Habakkuk 2:2-3a 

Pastor A Thomas

5th Apr

Profound dilemmas and biblical wisdom. pt.1

Habakkuk 1:12-2.1pa

Pastor A Thomas

8th Mar am

The greatest Man born of Woman and the least in the Kingdom. Isaiah 35:1-6 Matthew 16:13-20

Pastor A Thomas

8th Mar pm

Jehovah, Israel's Shepherd and Redeemer.

Isaiah 45:1-8

Pastor A Thomas

1st Mar am

Jesus Christ Son of God, Son of Man crucified, buried!

Mark 15:42-47

Pastor A Thomas

1st Mar pm

The sovereign supremacy of Yahweh over all things!

Isaiah 45:1-8

Pastor A Thomas

23rd Feb am

The Lord prepared his disciples.

Mark 10:32-34

Mr Gwynn Evans

23rd Feb pm

Be Holy, for God is Holy.

1 Peter 1:15

Mr Gwynn Evans

16th Feb am

Jesus Christ the passover Lamb pt1.

John 1:14-42

Mr Peter King

16th Feb pm

Jesus Christ the passover Lamb pt1.

Revelation 21,22

Mr Peter King

9th Feb am

What advantagge is there in being a Jew?

Romans 3:2

Pastor A Thomas

9th Feb pm

The summons of Jehovah - Come let us reason together.

Isaiah 43:8-13

Pastor A Thomas

2nd Feb am

I am the Ressurection and the Life.

Luke 7:11-17

Pastor A Thomas

2nd Feb pm

Then men began to call on the name of Yahweh.

Genesis 4:26

Pastor A Thomas

26th Jan pm

Three reasons why Jesus died.

Luke 22:14-16

Mr. F Bates

19th Jan am

Solomon's Prayer part 4. Return and restoration

2 Chronicles 6:22-31

Pastor A Thomas

19th Jan pm

The darkness and dawn of the light.

2 Peter 1:19

Pastor A Thomas

12th Jan am

I am the bread of life.

John 6:35

Pastor A Thomas

12th Jan pm

The promise and protection of Jehovah for his people.

Exodus 1:1-8

Pastor A Thomas

5th Jan am 2020

Jehovah is my shepherd

Psalm 107:1-9

Pastor A Thomas

5th Jan pm 2020

Jehovah is my redeemer.

Psalm 107:10-32

Pastor A Thomas

29th Dec pm

What a remarkable man and what a marvelous faith.

Luke 7:1-10

Pastor A Thomas

22nd Dec am

Digging deep and building on the rock.

Luke 6:46-49

Pastor A Thomas

22nd Dec pm

Carol Service.What is the meaning of Christmas.

Luke 2:11-12

Pastor A Thomas

15th Dec am

The solemn warnings of Jesus Christ to the disciples.

Luke 6:24-26

Pastor A Thomas

15th Dec pm

Life in the kingdom of God.

Luke 6:27-36

Pastor A Thomas

8th Dec am

The Christian Destination.

1 Peter 1:1-12

Mr. C. Shon

8th Dec pm

The Christian identity.

2 Peter 1:4-12

Mr. C. Shon

1st Dec am

Jesus born to save his people.

Matthew 1:18-25

Mr. F Bates

1st Dec pm

A new king born in Bethlehem.

Micah 5

Mr. F Bates

24th Nov am

Seek Him while He may be found.

Luke 6:17-19

Pastor A Thomas

24th Nov pm

The blessings of Jesus Christ on all who come to him.

Luke 6:20-23

Pastor A Thomas

17th Nov am

To the glory of God alone.

1 Corinthians 6:20

Pastor A Thomas

17th Nov pm

Vital lessons from the call and choosing of the apostles.

Luke 6:12-16

Pastor A Thomas

10th Nov am

Jehovah of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our strength. Psalm 46:1

Pastor A Thomas

10th Nov pm

By Faith alone, in Christ alone.

Philipians 3:9

Pastor A Thomas

3rd Nov am

The heart is sinful and desperately wicked.

Jeremiah 31:31-32:40

Mr. K. Gilbert

3rd Nov pm

Jesus Christ, our Pastor and Great High Priest.

Hebrews 4:12-5:10

Mr. F Bates

27th Oct am

The unbelief of the Pharisees.

Mark 8:22-28

Mr. D Philpott

27th Oct pm

Then Jonah prayed.

Jonah 2:1

Mr. D Philpott

20th Oct am

By Grace alone pt.1

Ephesians 2:1-3

Pastor A Thomas

20th Oct pm

By Grace alone pt.2

Ephesians 2:4-7

Pastor A Thomas

13th Oct am

Scripture alone.

2 Timothy 3:14-17

Pastor A Thomas

13th Oct pm

Christ alone.

1 John 1:29

Pastor A Thomas

6th Oct am

Remember the suffering of Jesus on our behalf.

Matthew 26:36-42

Pastor A Thomas

6th Oct pm

How to persevere in difficult and painful times.

1 Samuel 1:1-10

Pastor A Thomas

29th Sep am

Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

Matthew 6:31-33

Rev. Tim Burden

29th Sep pm

Be steadfast and grow.

2 Peter 3:17-18

Rev. Tim Burden

22nd Sep am

The faithfulness of the Lord Jesus.

Hebrews 3:1-4:6

Mr. Ben Short

22nd Sep pm

A Psalm of praise.

Psalm 33

Mr. Ben Short

15th Sep am


Luke 12:49-13:9

Mr. F. Bates

15th Sep pm

God's people are comforted.

Isaiah 40

Mr. F Bates

8th Sep am

Mordecai honoured, Haman hung.

Esther 6:1-11

Mr. M. Hobbis

8th Sept pm

Jesus intercedes for his executioners.

Luke 23:13-48

Mr. D Langridge

1st Sept am

There is a Redeemer in Israel.

Ruth 4:4-7

Pastor A Thomas

1st Sept pm

What is lawful on the Sabbath.

Luke 6:1-5

Pastor A Thomas

25th Aug am

Jesus Christ, the one and only true and living God.

Acts 17:16-34

Mr. D. Langridge

25th Aug pm

God's Word will stand forever.

Jeremiah 36

Mr. D. Langridge

18th Aug am

The failure of Jehovah's people and the faithfulness of Jehovah. Isaiah 42:18 - 43:7

Pastor A Thomas

18th Aug pm

The Gospel is the revelation of God's righteousness.

Romans 1:16-18

Pastor A Thomas

11th Aug am

Fixing your hope on the grace to be revealed.

1 Peter 1:13

Pastor A Thomas

11th Aug pm

Jehovah meets with Jacob on a dark night.

Genesis 28:10-22

Pastor A Thomas

4th Aug am

The long expected era of fulfillment!

Luke 5:33-39

Pastor A Thomas

4th Aug pm

Former things have come to pass and new things I declare. Isaiah 42:10-17

Pastor A Thomas

28th Jul am

The gospel and its outworking in salvation and service.

Luke 5:27-32

Pastor A Thomas

28th Jul pm

Jesus Christ, the great I AM.

John 6:26-28

Mr. Nigel Gurr

21st Jul am

The prophecies regarding Jesus, the hope of the world.

Isaiah 42:1-9

Pastor A Thomas

21st Jul pm

Sing unto the Lord you people of Jehovah.

Exodus 15:1-18

Pastor A Thomas

14th Jul am

The call of Christ - full of grace. pt1

Luke 5:27

Pastor A Thomas

14th Jul pm

A reasoned charge and a sure promise from Jehovah.

Isaiah 41:21-29

Pastor A Thomas

7th Jul am

The will of God for every sinner.

Luke 5:12-16

Pastor A Thomas

7th Jul pm

Comfort and consolation for Jehovah's people.

Isaiah 41:8-20

Pastor A Thomas

30th Jun am

An encounter with Jesus.

Luke 24:13-35

Mr.Roger Cook

30th Jun pm

Paul's encouragements to Timothy..

2 Timothy 1

Pastor I Salanki

23rd Jun am

Sinful man and God's mercy.

Hosea 1:1 - 2:1

Mr.Francis Bates

23rd Jun pm

Repent and be baptised in the name of Jesus.

Acts 2:38

Mr.Francis Bates

16th Jun am

Man's greatest need and faith that will not let go.

Luke 5:17-26

Pastor A Thomas

16th Jun pm

Jehovah's summons to all the peoples...

Isaiah 41:1-7

Pastor A Thomas

9th June am

Lord increase our faith and teach us to pray.

Luke 5:12

Pastor A Thomas

9th June pm

Learning in the school of Christ

Philippians 4:10-13

Pastor A Thomas

2nd June pm

Who is a God like you!!

Judges 2:13-18

Pastor A Thomas

26th May am

The authority and power of 'Jesus Christ'!! pt3.

Luke 4:38-44

Pastor A Thomas

26th May pm

The God of all comfort !! pt3

Isaiah 40:6-11

Pastor A Thomas

19th May am

The God of all comfort pt2.!

Isaiah 40:3-5

Pastor A Thomas

19th May pm

The authority and power of 'Jesus Christ'!

Luke 4:31-37

Pastor A Thomas

12th May am

Jehovah the God of all comfort.

Isaiah 40:1-2

Pastor A Thomas

12th May pm

O Jacob, O Israel be not unbelieving

Isaiah 40:12-27

Pastor A Thomas

5th May am

Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

Luke 4: 16-21

Pastor A Thomas

5th May pm

Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. Isaiah 39:1-8

Pastor A Thomas

28th Apr am

Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. Isaiah 39:1-8

Pastor A Thomas

28th Apr pm

Hezekiah's record of confession and praise.

Isaiah 38:9-21

Pastor A Thomas

21st Apr am

Jesus Christ is risen - just as He said. pt1.

Mark 16:1-7

Pastor A Thomas

21st Apr pm

Jesus Christ is risen - just as He said. pt2.

Mark 16:9-20

Pastor A Thomas

19th Apr am

Good Friday.

Exodus 12:5-7

Pastor A Thomas

14th Apr am

Behold your King is coming, lowly and riding on the foal of a donkey. Mark 11:1-11

Pastor A Thomas

14th Apr pm

God is in His temple.

Mark 11:11-16

Pastor A Thomas

7th Apr am

The institution of the Lord's Supper. pt1.

1 Corinthians11:23-26

Pastor A Thomas

7th Apr pm

The mystery of Divine confrontation.

Genesis 32:22-32

Pastor A Thomas

31st Mar am

The temptation and victory of Jesus Christ in the wilderness. pt1. Luke 4:1-4

Pastor A Thomas

31st Mar pm

Jehovah, grace eternal behind a difficult and trying providence. Isaiah 38:1-8

Pastor A Thomas

24th Mar am

Jesus Christ the Saviour, sin bearer and Son of God.

Luke 3:21-38

Pastor A Thomas

24th Mar pm

Who is like you.O Jehovah, fearful in praises- doing wonders! pt3. Isaiah 37:21-38

Pastor A Thomas

17th Mar am

The voice calling out the Gospel of God. pt2.

Luke 3:7-20

Pastor A Thomas

17th Mar pm

Who is like you.O Jehovah, fearful in praises- doing wonders! pt2. Isaiah 37:8-20

Pastor A Thomas

10th Mar am

John proclaiming the Gospel of God. pt1.

Luke 3:1-6

Pastor A Thomas

10th Mar pm

Who is like you.O Jehovah, fearful in praises- doing wonders! pt1. Isaiah 37:5-7

Pastor A Thomas

3rd Mar am

The Lord's priority in prayer.

John 17:1-5

Pastor A Thomas

3rd Mar pm

When my heart is overwhelmed.

Isaiah 37:1-4

Pastor A Thomas

24th Feb am

Martha and Mary's encounter with Jesus

Luke 10:25-42

Mr.Francis Bates

24th Feb pm

By grace we are saved through faith.

Ephesians 2:8.

Mr.Francis Bates

17th Feb am

The control, compassion and care of Jesus.

Matthew 14:14-33

Pastor Ben Short

17th Feb pm

Man's wickedness and God's perfection.

Psalm 36:5-9

Pastor Ben Short

10th Feb am

Severe warning and clear fruits of Salvation.

Philippians 3:1-3

Pastor A Thomas

10th Feb pm

Behold the day is coming.

Malachi 4

Pastor A Thomas

3rd Feb am

It is finished..

John 19:28-30

Pastor A Thomas

3rd Feb pm

The great I am.

Exodus 3:13-18

Pastor A Thomas

27th Jan am

Man's plans overturned.

Acts 23:11-25

Mr. Roger Cook

27th Jan pm

Jesus sends out his disciples

Luke 9:1-6

Mr. Roger Cook

20th Jan am

Life, Death and Eternity.

Luke 16:19-31

Pastor A Thomas

20th Jan pm

The joy of the Lord in the midst of grief and trials.

1 Peter 1:4-7

Pastor A Thomas

13th Jan am

Jehovah will provide for my every need.

Psalm 23:1-3

Pastor A Thomas

13th Jan pm

Jehovah will protect me from every danger.

Psalm 23:4-6

Pastor A Thomas

6th Jan am 2019

The Glory that awaits the Christian.

Romans 8:18

Pastor A Thomas

6th Jan pm

Jehovah the God of Israel, ruler of everything.

Ezra 1: 1-4

Pastor A Thomas

30th Dec am

I am dying but God will surely visit you.

Genesis 50:22-26

Pastor A Thomas

30th Dec pm

Jehovah the Shepherd of His people.

Genesis 48: 15-16

Pastor A Thomas

23rd Dec am

Abraham's faith tested by fire.

Genesis 22:1-10

Pastor A Thomas

23rd Dec pm

Jehovah will provide.

Genesis 22:7-14

Pastor A Thomas

16th Dec am

The Lion of the tribe of Judah.

Genesis 49:8-12

Pastor A Thomas

16th Dec pm

Carol Service.

Micah 5:2

Pastor A Thomas

9th Dec am

Who are ambassadors for Christ?

Numbers 2

Mr. Peter King

9th Dec pm

We are ambassadors for Christ.

2 Corinthians 5

Mr. Peter King

2nd Dec am

Jesus teaches how to pray and behave.

Luke 11:1-13

Mr. Roger Cook

2nd Dec pm

Jesus concerned for individuals.

Luke 8:40-56

Mr. Roger Cook

25th Nov am

Faith at work in Jericho and Rahab.

Hebrews 11:30-31

Pastor A Thomas

25th Nov pm

Simeon the man and his prochecy.

Luke 2:25-32

Pastor A Thomas

18th Nov am

Abraham and the pilgrimage of faith.

Hebrews 11:8-22

Pastor A Thomas

18th Nov pm

Moses and the conflict of faith.

Hebrews 11:23-29

Pastor A Thomas

11th Nov am

The mark of true faith.

Hebrews 11:7

Pastor A Thomas

11th Nov pm

Peace and safety in times of trouble and distress.

Psalm 4

Pastor A Thomas

4th Nov am

Faithful servants and witnesses.

Mark 15:37-41

Pastor A Thomas

4th Nov pm

Growing disciples of Christ.

Mark 15:42-47

Pastor A Thomas

28th Oct am

Being changed and raised with Christ.

Colossians 3

Pastor B Midgley

28th Oct pm

Samson against the status-quo.

Judges 15

Pastor B Midgley

21st Oct am

Running the race and striving against sin.

Hebrews 12:1-11

Pastor A Thomas

21st Oct pm

Exhortation, privilege and warning for believers.

Hebrews 12:12-29

Pastor A Thomas

14th Oct am

Biblical faith explained and illustrated.

Hebrews 11:1

Pastor A Thomas

14th Oct pm

God of Judgement, God of Salvation!

Genesis 11:1-9

Pastor A Thomas

7th Oct am

Jehovah - The covenant making and covenant keeping God. Genesis 9:8-17

Pastor A Thomas

7th Oct pm

Many shall come - but the sons will be cast out.

Matthew 8:11-12

Pastor A Thomas

30th Sep am

Warning and comfort for God's people.

Hebrews 10:32-39

Pastor A Thomas

30th Sep pm

Enoch. A glorious light in the darkness of life.

Genesis 5:21-24

Pastor A Thomas

23rd Sep am

The widows two mites.

Mark 12:41-44

Pastor Ridgeway

23rd Sep pm

Profiting from trials.

James 1:1-11 5:13

Pastor Ridgeway

16th Sep am

From heaven He came and sought us.

Luke 19:1-10

Pastor A Thomas

16th Sep pm

The assurance of life in Christ Jesus.

1 John 5:13

Pastor A Thomas

9th Sept am

Bold I approach the Eternal Throne.

Hebrews 10:19-25

Pastor A Thomas

9th Sept pm

The sons of God contrasted with the sons of Cain.

Genesis 4:25-26

Pastor A Thomas

2nd Sept am

Relationship with God.

1 John 5

Mr. Philip Laver

2nd Sept pm

Praise to God

Mr. Philip Laver

26th Aug am

God desires mercy not sacrifice.

Matthew 12:7

Rev. Tim Burden

26th Aug pm

Presenting your bodies a living sacrifice to God.

Romans 12:1

Rev. Tim Burden

19th Aug am

Jesus will vanquish every enemy.

Hebrews 10:13

Pastor A Thomas

19th Aug pm

In whom do you trust?

Isaiah 36:11-21

Pastor A Thomas

12th Aug am

Divine provision for the cleansing of the conscience.

Hebrews 9:22-28

Pastor A Thomas

12th Aug pm

What confidence is this in which we trust?

Isaiah 36:1-10

Pastor A Thomas

5th Aug am

The everlasting Gospel.

Hebrrews 9:1-14

Pastor A Thomas

5th Aug pm

Jehovah's mercy to the sinner.

Psalm 130

Mr. Nigel Gurr

29th July am

The Prodigal son.

Luke 15:11-32

Mr Francis Bates

22nd July am

Watch therefore.

Matthew 25:1-13

Pastor A Thomas

22nd July pm

Jehovah, the guardian, protector and keeper of Israel.

Psalm 121

Pastor A Thomas

15th July am

Simultaneously sinner and saint.

Romans 7:25 - 8:1

Pastor A Thomas

15th July pm

The failure of Abraham and the faithfulness of Jehovah.

Genesis 12:10 - 13:4

Pastor A Thomas

8th July am

The Grace of God and the faith of Abraham.

Genesis 12:1-9

Pastor A Thomas

8th July pm

The mystery of spiritual life.

Mark 4:26-29

Pastor A Thomas

1st July am

The High Priest in the Heavens.

Hebrews 5:1-13

Pastor A Thomas

1st July pm

Faith tried and tested.

Mark 5:35-43

Pastor A Thomas

24th Jun am

Jesus, the Saviour to the uttermost.

Hebrews 7:20-28

Pastor A Thomas

24th Jun pm

Jehovah, my Shield and Glory.

Psalm 3

Pastor A Thomas

17th Jun am

O Jehovah, teach me, help me, seek me.

Psalm 119; 24:169-173

Pastor A Thomas

17th Jun pm

The conflict and triumph of the Christian.

Galatians 5: 16-18

Pastor A Thomas

10th Jun am

The last days.

Matthew 24:1-31

Mr. Keith Gilbert

10th Jun pm

A benediction.

Hebrews 13

Mr. Ken Slater

3rd June am

Drawing near to God.

Hebrews 7:19

Pastor A Thomas

3rd June pm

The glorious destiny of God's people.

Isaiah 35

Pastor A Thomas

27h May am

The infinite greatness and glory of Jesus Christ.

Hebrews 7:1-10

Pastor A Thomas

27th May pm

The confidence of the believer.

Philippians 1:1-6

Pastor A Thomas

20th May am

Jehovah our Deliverer and our Redeemer.

Psalm 110:153-154

Pastor A Thomas

20th May pm

How can I inherit eternal life.

Mark 10:17-22

Pastor A Thomas

13th May am

The Silent Supporter.

Exodus 17: 8-16

Mr. Peter King

13th May pm

The disciples lack of faith.

Matthew 8:26

Mr. John Petley

6th May am

Studying and believing the Bible..

Luke 10:1-2, 17- 20

Mr Keith Gilbert

6th May pm

Jesus chooseth his twelve disciples.

Luke 6:12-16

Mr. Roger Cook

29th Apr am

The assurance of inheriting the promises.

Hebrews 6:11-20

Pastor A Thomas

29th Apr pm

A wonderful supper.

John 12:1-11

Pastor H Sayers

22nd Apr am

The resurrection of each in his own order.

1 Corinthians 15:23-26

Pastor A Thomas

22nd Apr pm

God of grace, glory and goodness.

Psalm 84:5-12

Pastor A Thomas

15th Apr am

In Adam, in Christ resurrection life.

1 Corinthians 15:21-22

Pastor A Thomas

15th Apr pm

Longing for Jehovah.

Psalm 84:1-4

Pastor A Thomas

8th Apr am


Things of First importance. part 2

1 Corinthians 15:4

Pastor A Thomas

8th April. pm

Righteousness of God and giver of righteousness.

Psalm 119:137-144

Pastor A Thomas

1st April. am


Things of First importance. part 2

1 Corinthians 15:4

Pastor A Thomas

1st April. pm


Our Judge, our Law-giver, our King

Isaiah 33:17-27

Pastor A Thomas

30 Mar. am Good Friday

Things of First importance. part1

1 Corinthians 15:3

Pastor A Thomas

25 Mar. am

Confident of better things and full assurance of faith.

Hebrews 12:6-12

Pastor A Thomas

25 Mar. pm

The Supernatural Word and it's divine blessings.

Psalm 119:129-136

Pastor A Thomas

18 Mar. am

Grace and glory everlasting.

Isaiah 33:17-24

Pastor A Thomas

18 Mar. pm

The love and fear of God.

Psalm 119:113-120

Pastor A Thomas

11 Mar. am

A diagnosis of the Times and the Glory that will be.

Isaiah 32

Pastor A Thomas

11 Mar. pm

When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

1 Kings 19:1-18

Pastor A Thomas

04 Mar. am

From both the Law of Moses and the prophets.

Acts 28:23

Pastor A Thomas

04 Mar. pm

Is anything too hard for Jehovah.

Genesis 18:9-15

Pastor A Thomas

25 Feb. am

Faithfulness and fruitfulness in bondage and chains.

Acts 28:11-31

Pastor A Thomas

25 Feb. pm

Sheltering under the protection and preservation of Jehovah. Isaiah 31

Pastor A Thomas

18 Feb. am

We cannot escape from God.

Psalm 139

Mr. Peter King

18 Feb. pm

The resurrection of Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 15:1-28

Mr. Peter King

11 Feb. am

God gave us memory.

Deuteronomy 24:18

Mr. Bush Hogg

11 Feb. pm

The hand of the Lord.

Ezra 7:1-10, 8:31-32

Mr. Keith Gilbert

04 Feb. am

Truly this is the Son of God.

Mark 15:39

Pastor A Thomas

04 Feb. pm

Return to the Lord before that Final Day.

Isaiah 30:21-33

Pastor A Thomas

28 Jan. am

A girl restored to life and a woman healed.

Luke 8:40-56

Mr. Roger Cook

28 Jan. pm

How God encourages His servant.

1 King's 19:1-17

Mr. Roger Cook

21 Jan. am

The fearful danger of spiritual sluggishness.

Hebrews 6:4-8

Pastor A Thomas

21 Jan. pm

The surety of Salvation.

2 Peter 1:10

Pastor A Thomas

14 Jan. am

Christ Jesus and the promise of life.

Acts 2:22-39

Pastor A Thomas

14 Jan. pm

Spiritual sowing , growing and harvesting.

Mark 4:26-29

Pastor A Thomas

07 Jan. am

Behold the Lamb of God..

John 1:29

Pastor A Thomas

07 Jan. pm

Every spiritual and eternal blessing in Christ Jesus.

Philipians 1:1

Pastor A Thomas

06 Jan. 2 pm 2018

Baptismal Service - of Mr. Tim Funnell held at Eastbourne Evangelical Free Church. Matthew 28:18-20

Pastor A Thomas

31 Dec. am

Rebellious children Jehovah's infinite grace.

Isaiah 30:18-20

Pastor A Thomas

31 Dec. pm

Jehovah the guardian keeper of His people

Psalm 121

Pastor A Thomas

25 Dec. am

Christmas Day.

Isaiah 9:6

Pastor A Thomas

24 Dec. am

Jesus Christ the son of Abraham and David.

Matthew 1:1

Pastor A Thomas

24 Dec. pm

The Ruler, King and Shepherd born in Bethlehem

Matthew 1:2-6

Pastor A Thomas

17 Dec. am

Rebellious children and God's long suffering love.

Isaiah 30:1-18

Pastor A Thomas

17 Dec. pm

The Ruler, King and Shepherd born in Bethlehem

Matthew 2:5-6

Pastor A Thomas

10 Dec. am

You are not far off the Kingdom.

Mark 12:34

Mr. John Petley

10 Dec. pm

The disciples' lack of faith.

Matthew 15:29-32

Mr. John Petley

03 Dec. am

The finished work of Jesus Christ.

Mark 15:37-38

Pastor A Thomas

03 Dec. pm

Lord increase our faith and teach us to pray.

Joshua 21:1-3

Pastor A Thomas

26 Nov. am

The doctrine and witness to the Christ.

Mark 1:1-8

Pastor A Thomas

26 Nov. pm

From elementary principles to maturity in Christ.

Hebrews 6:2

Pastor A Thomas

19 Nov. am

Who can this be part 1.

Mark 4:35-41

Pastor A Thomas

19 Nov. pm

Who can this be part 2.

Mark 5:1-13

Pastor A Thomas

12 Nov. am

Rabbi! Who sinned? This man or his parents.

John 9:2

Pastor A Thomas

12 Nov. pm

Lot lifted up his eyes and saw all the plains of Jordan.

Genesis 13:5-18

Pastor A Thomas

05 Nov. am

The darkness - dereliction and death of Jesus.

Mark 15:34-37

Pastor A Thomas

05 Nov. pm

The judgement of Jehovah and His eternal covenant mercies. Isaiah 29:17-24

Pastor A Thomas

29 Oct. am

By faith alone in Christ alone.

Genesis 15:6

Pastor A Thomas

29 Oct. pm

In Christ alone by faith alone.

Romans 4:5-8

Pastor A Thomas

22 Oct. am

God's promise in the Rainbow.

Genesis 8:18-9:17

Mr.Philip Laver

22 Oct. pm

Listen, look and live.

Psalm 19.

Mr.Philip Laver

15 Oct. am

Jesus said "It is finished".

John 19:30

Mr.Francis Bates

15 Oct. pm

The Lord is my Shepherd.

Psalm 23.

Mr.Francis Bates

08 Oct. am

Paul's last recoded message.

Act 26:1-23

Pastor A Thomas

08 Oct. pm

Great God of wonders all thy ways are matchless divine.

Isaiah 28: 20-29

Pastor A Thomas

01 Oct. am

The terrible condition of man and the wonderful provision of God. Psalm 32: 1-5

Pastor A Thomas

01 Oct. pm

The characteristics of the Godly.

Psalm 32: 6-11

Pastor A Thomas


Digging deep and building on solid ground.

Luke 6:46-49

Pastor A Thomas

24 Sept .pm

The failure of Abram and the faithfulness of Jehovah.

Genesis 13:1-4

Pastor A Thomas


Sit, Walk, Stand

Ephesians 1: 4

Mr. Keith Gilbert

17 Sept .pm

Judge not, lest you be judged.

Luke 7:36-50

Mr. Roger Cook


Justified by faith.

Romans 5:1

Rev. Tim Burden

10 Sept .pm

Changing the disciples.

John 14:18

Rev. Tim Burden

3 Sept. am

Jesus Christ our Passover Lamb.

Exodus 12:13-14

Pastor A Thomas

3 Sept. pm

Jesus Christ our High Priest.

Exodus 28:26-30

Pastor A Thomas

27 Aug. am

Christ as our High Priest.

Hebrews 3, 4, 5

Mr Peter King

27 Aug. pm

Christ as our Prophet

John 1:1-18

Mr Peter King

20 Aug. am

The cause and care of spiritual abnormality.

Hebrews 5:11-14

Pastor A Thomas

20 Aug. pm

A sure foundation and a refuge of lies.

Isaiah 28:7-19

Pastor A Thomas

13 Aug. am

The message of faith in Christ.

Acts 24:24,25

Pastor A Thomas

13 Aug. pm

The fading crowns of glory and the Eternal Crown of Glory.

Isaiah 28:1-6

Pastor A Thomas

06 Aug. am

Rest and boldness through our Great High Priest.

Hebrews 5:1-10

Pastor A Thomas

06 Aug. pm

The mystery of spiritual life and growth.

Mark 4:26-29

Pastor A Thomas

30 July. am

The pilgrim's prayer.

Psalm 119:33-40

Pastor A Thomas

30 July. pm

Faith in our Heavenly Father.

Matthew 6:25-34

Pastor A Thomas

23 July. am

God knows all about it.

Revelation 2

Mr. Ken Slater

23 July. pm

David's relationship with God.

Psalm 63

Mr. Keith Gilbert

16 July. am

My yoke is easy, My burden light.

Matthew 11:28-30

Mr. J Petley

16 July. pm

Two things I've required of you.

Proverbs 30:7-9

Mr. J Petley

09 July. am

How to inherit Eternal Life.

Luke 10:25-37

Pastor A Thomas

09 July. pm

The pruning and the harvest of God..

Isaiah 27:7-13

Pastor A Thomas

02 July. am

Christ our passover sacrifice.

Mark 15:33-34

Pastor A Thomas

02 July. pm

Comfort in the troubles of life for the righteousness.

Psalm 119:17-24

Pastor A Thomas

25 June. am

The sickness of man and the compassionate Saviour.

Matthew 8:1-17

Pastor A Thomas

25 June. pm

Being filled with hope.

Isaiah 32:15-16

Rev Tim Burden

11 June. am

The nature of the Word of God and God as Judge.

Hebrews 4:12-13

Pastor A Thomas

11 June. pm

The agony of the present and glorious destiny of the redeemed. Isaiah 26:1-27:1

Pastor A Thomas

04 June. am

The Man of Sorrows and acquainted with grief.

Mark 15:16-32

Pastor A Thomas

04 June. pm

The destiny of the redeemed people of God.

Isaiah 25:6-12

Pastor A Thomas

28 May. am

In the world you have trouble, but in me you have peace.

John 16:31-33

Pastor A Thomas

28 May. pm

Jehovah of hosts is with us.

Psalm 46:1-7

Pastor A Thomas

21 May. am

Let us fear and let us be diligent lest we fall short.

Hebrews 4:1-11

Pastor A Thomas

21 May. pm

The song of the redeeemed.

Isaiah 25:1-5

Pastor A Thomas

14 May. am

The believer's pattern of life and the power of God Almighty. Acts 20:1-12

Pastor A Thomas

14 May. pm

The righteousness and the wrath of God revealed.

Romans 1:17-25

Pastor A Thomas

07 May. am

Scriptural message, Spiritual dynamic, Missionary directive. Luke 24:13-53

Mr.Francis Bates

07 May. pm

I know my Redeemer lives.

Job 19:25

Mr.Francis Bates

30 April. am

Today, harden not your hearts.

Hebrews 3:7-19

Pastor A Thomas

30 April. pm

Taste and see that the Lord is good.

Psalm 34

Mr. J Petley

23 April. am

Dying, buried and raised with Christ.


Mr. P Laver

23 April. pm

Thomas was missed out, singled out, marked out, caught out. John 20:20-29

Mr. P Laver

16 April. am

The resurrection taught and prophesied by Moses.

Luke 24:25-27

Pastor A Thomas

16 April. pm

The prophecy of the resurrection by David

Acts 2:22-32

Pastor A Thomas

14 April. am Good Friday


Luke 24:20, 25-27

Pastor A Thomas

09 April. am

Consider Christ Jesus lest we drift away.

Hebrews 3:1-6

Pastor A Thomas

09 April. pm

Jehovah has become our song, strength and salvation.

Isaiah 12:3-6

Pastor A Thomas

02 April. am

The just for the unjust.

Mark 15: 1-15

Pastor A Thomas

02 April. pm

Jehovah your strength, song and salvation.

Isaiah 12:1-2

Pastor A Thomas

26 Mar. am

The assurance of the Christian.

Philipians 1:6

Pastor A Thomas

26 Mar. pm

This God is our God.

Genesis 17:1-3

Pastor A Thomas

19 Mar. am

Jesus destroys the devil.

Hebrews 2:14-18

Pastor A Thomas

19 Mar. pm

In that day and on this day.

Isaiah 11:10-16

Pastor A Thomas

12 Mar. am

The supernatural union of Christ with His people.

Hebrews 2:11-13

Pastor A Thomas

12 Mar. pm

The shoot of Jesse.

Isaiah 11:1-9

Pastor A Thomas

05 Mar. am

Jesus Christ the Perfect Saviour.

Hebrews 2:10

Pastor A Thomas

05 Mar. pm

Paul at Athens.

Acts 17:16-34

Pastor A Thomas

26 Feb. am

Jesus: so much better than angels. pt1

Hebrews 2:5-9

Pastor A Thomas

26 Feb. pm

The angels of God.

Hebrews 2:7

Pastor A Thomas

19 Feb. am

God's promise to His people.

2 Chronicles 7:13,14

Mr.Francis Bates

19 Feb. pm

Jesus last words before His death..

Luke 23:26-49

Mr.Francis Bates

12 Feb. am

An anchor for the soul.

Hebrews 1:4 - 2:4

Pastor A Thomas

12 Feb. pm

Rejecting God's grace upon grace.

Isaiah 7:10-17

Pastor A Thomas

05 Feb. am

The rock that broke down.

Mark 14: 66-72

Pastor A Thomas

05 Feb. pm

Many shall come - but the sons will be cast out.

Matthew 8:11,12

Pastor A Thomas

29 Jan. am

God the Son - Prophet, Priest and King.

Hebrews 1:3-4

Pastor A Thomas

29 Jan. pm

Grace upon grace of Jehovah.

Isaiah 7:10-17

Pastor A Thomas

22 Jan. am

God the Son - Creator and sustainer.

Hebrews 1:1-23

Pastor A Thomas

22 Jan. pm

Jesus, the mighty and merciful Son of God.

Mark 7:31-37

Pastor A Thomas

15 Jan. am

Promises that are kept. pt.1

2 Peter 1:4

Mr. Peter King

15 Jan. pm

Promises that are kept. pt.2

2 Peter 1:4

Mr. Peter King

08 Jan. am

God has spoken with finality through his Son.

Hebrews 1:1-3

Pastor A Thomas

08 Jan. pm

Isaiah's Commission and Message.

Isaiah 6:8-13

Pastor A Thomas

01 Jan. am

The blessing of God to our fathers and to us.

Acts 13:26-43

Pastor A Thomas

01 Jan. pm

The passing world and the world to come.

Revelation 19:1-10

Pastor A Thomas

25 Dec. am

God's giving of God the Son.

Isaiah 9:6

Pastor A Thomas

25 Dec. pm

Recalling and remembering the history of Jehovah's grace.


Pastor A Thomas

18 Dec. am

Light in the darkness and comfort in distress.

Psalm 44

Pastor A Thomas

Carol Service. pm

Son of David, Immanuel Saviour.

Matthew 1:20-23

Pastor A Thomas

11 Dec. am

The substance and conduct of the Church of Jesus.

1Timothy 3:15

Pastor A Thomas

11 Dec. pm

The Church of Christ. Her confession.

1Timothy 3:16

Pastor A Thomas

04 Dec. am

The false and the true and faithful witness.

Mark 14:53-65

Pastor A Thomas

04 Dec. pm

The Christ, discipleship and the Church

Mark 16:13-19

Pastor A Thomas

27 Nov. am

The grand purpose of Salvation.

John 4:23,24

Pastor A Thomas

27 Nov. pm

The centrality of the Word of God.

2Timothy 3:14-17

Pastor A Thomas

20 Nov. am

The nature and blessings of salvation in Christ.

Romans 5:1-15.

Pastor A Thomas

20 Nov. pm

The superior blessing in the second Adam.

Romans 5:12,20,21.

Pastor A Thomas

13 Nov. am

Jesus Christ the Son of the Covenant

Matthew 1:1.

Pastor A Thomas

13 Nov. pm

Sorrow and hope symbolised in the death of Joseph.

Genesis 50:26.

Pastor A Thomas

06 Nov. am

Opinions of Christ.

Luke 9:18-27.

Mr. Francis Bates

06 Nov. pm

Victory over Death.

1 Corinthians 15:55-57.

Mr. Francis Bates

30 Oct. am

Thanking God for the Harvest.

Leviticus 23:39.

Mr. John Petley

30 Oct. pm

Going to the grave a sheaf of grain ripened.

Job 5:26.

Mr. John Petley

23 Oct. am

The community of the church of Christ.

Numbers 1.

Mr. Peter King

23 Oct. pm

Being God's special people.

Numbers 6.

Mr. Peter King

16 Oct. am

The glory,the blessing and the worship of God.

Romans 16:20-27.

Pastor A Thomas

16 Oct. pm

Jehovah's words never fail.

Joshua 21:43-45.

Pastor A Thomas

09 Oct. am

The promise of victory.

Romans 16:20.

Pastor A Thomas

09 Oct. pm

Blessing bestowed and blessings neglected.

Joshua 18:1.

Pastor A Thomas

02 Oct. am

The Lord Jesus, rejected and forsaken.

Mark 14:43-52.

Pastor A Thomas

02 Oct. pm

Blessing on blessings.

Joshua 18:1.

Pastor A Thomas

25 Sep. am

The union, service and love in Christ.

Romans 16:1-16

Pastor A Thomas

25 Sep. pm

Paul's urgent note to preserve the unity in Christ.

Romans 16:17-19

Pastor A Thomas

18 Sep. am

Isaiah's personal renewal.

Isaiah 6:5-7

Pastor A Thomas

18 Sep. pm

Security of a Christian.

John 10:27-28

Rev Tim Burden

11 Sep. am

The agony of Christ in Gethsemane.

Mark 14:32-42

Pastor A Thomas

11 Sep. pm

Isaiah's vision of the Glory of Jehovah.

Isaiah 5:1-27

Pastor A Thomas

04 Sep. am

The sovereign work of God in the hearts of men.

Acts 10:43,44

Pastor A Thomas

04 Sep. pm

What more could I have done.

Isaiah 5:1-27

Pastor A Thomas

28 Aug. am

The final plea and commendation of Paul.

Romans 15:30 - 16:2

Pastor A Thomas

28 Aug. pm

Stay with Jesus and you shall be safe.

1 Samuel:22,23

Rev. Tim Burden

21 Aug. am

The consequence of sin and the grace of God.

Genesis 3:6-13

Pastor A Thomas

21 Aug. pm

The sentence on sin and the grace of God.

Genesis 3:14-19

Pastor A Thomas

14 Aug. am

Promise ignored and grace mis-used.

Joshua 17:7-18

Pastor A Thomas

14 Aug. pm

There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ.

Romans 8:1-4

Pastor A Thomas

07 Aug. am

The nature of the best of men and the Glory of Christ.

Mark 13:29-31

Pastor A Thomas

07 Aug. pm

The Sovereign and Suprising Grace of Jehovah.

Joshua 16:1 & 17:6

Pastor A Thomas

31 July. am

The parable of the soils of the souls..

Matthew 13: 10-17

Pastor A Thomas

31 July. pm

Graces of the heirs of grace.

Titus 3: 5

Mr. John Petley

24 July. am

Saints and bond- servants of Jesus.

Phillipians 1: 1,2.

Pastor A Thomas

24 July. pm

The power of Christ in every circumstance.

Phillipians 4: 11-13

Pastor A Thomas

17 July. am

The appearing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Hebrews 9: 24-28.

Pastor A Thomas

17 July. pm

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Joshua 15: 15-62

Pastor A Thomas

10 July. am

God's Judgement on all.

1Peter 4:17,18

Mr. John Petley

10 July. pm

The Christians battle.

2 Timothy 4:6-8.

Mr. John Petley

03 July. am

Able to Save.

Hebrews 7:25

Mr. Peter King

03 July. pm

Worshipping God.

Revelation 22:8-9.

Mr. Peter King

26 June. am

Jesus re-instates Peter.

John 21:15-17

Mr. Tim Hemmington

26 June. pm

The Lord tests Abraham.

Genesis 22:1-19

Mr. Leslie Jarvis

19 June. am

Are you free?

John 8:32-36

Mr. Tristan White

19 June. pm

The Lord hath need of you.

Mark 11:3

Mr. Tristan White

12 June. am

A Samaritan Woman.

John 4:1-29

Mr. Keith Gilbert

12 June. pm

Having Eternal Life

John 5:24

Mr. Keith Gilbert

05 June. am

The Pharisee and the tax collector.

Luke 18:9-14

Mr.Chase Whitten

05 June. pm

Are you sure?

2 Corinthians 5:1-21

Mr. Ken Slater

29 May. am

My Kingdom will come.

Isaiah 2:1-5

Pastor A Thomas

29 May. pm

Lord remember me when you come into your Kingdom.

Luke 23:39-42

Pastor A Thomas

22 May. am

God's work in us and the work we are called to do.

Acts 9:6

Pastor A Thomas

22 May. pm

For God is able.

Ephesians 3:20

Mr.Howard Sayers

15 May. am

God's ways are not our ways. pt1

Acts 8 :26

Pastor A Thomas

15 May. pm

God's ways are not our ways. pt2.

Acts 8 :26-40

Pastor A Thomas

08 May. am

The purpose of the Church and the prayer of the Church

Romans 15:1-13

Pastor A Thomas

08 May. pm

Jehovah says, "Come let us reason together."

Isaiah 1:18-20

Pastor A Thomas

01 May. am

This is My body and My blood

Mark 14:22-26

Pastor A Thomas

01 May. pm

The Ancient of Days and The Son of Man.

Daniel 7:9-14

Pastor A Thomas

24 Apr. am

Lord increase our faith and teach us to pray..

Joshua 21

Pastor A Thomas

24 Apr. pm

The hope of eternal life in Christ Jesus.

Romans 14:4 21

Pastor A Thomas

17 Apr. am

Something lost and something found.

Luke 23:33-47

Mr. Bush Hogg

17 Apr. pm

Jesus shows himself the third time.

John 21

Mr. Philip Laver

10 Apr. am

The Lord of Glory.

1 Peter 5:10-12

Pastor A Thomas

10 Apr. pm

Jehovah is my refuge and fortress.

Joshua 20

Pastor A Thomas

03 Apr. am

The passover Lamb.

Mark 14:12

Pastor A Thomas

03 Apr. pm

Blessed, but a great betrayer.

Mark 14:10-21

Pastor A Thomas

27 Mar. am

After the darkness.

John 20:1-8

Pastor A Thomas

27 Mar. pm

Be not unbelieving, but believing.

John 20:9

Pastor A Thomas

25 Mar. am

Good Friday

Behold the Lamb of God.

John 1:29

Pastor A Thomas

20 Mar. am

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Joshua 15: 1-12

Pastor A Thomas

20 Mar. pm

Strength and comfort in the midst of suffering.

1 Peter 5:10

Pastor A Thomas

13 Mar. am

The ground and the certainty of faith.

Joshua 14: 6-15

Pastor A Thomas

13 Mar. pm

What is justification by faith.

Romans 5:1,2

Pastor A Thomas

06 Mar. am

A good and acceptable offering to the Lord.

Mark 14:1-9

Pastor A Thomas

06 Mar. pm

The portion of Jacob is not like unto them.

Joshua 13: 8-33

Pastor A Thomas

28 Feb. am

Consolation and comfort in the midst of sufferings and dangers.

1 Peter 5:9

Pastor A Thomas

28Feb. pm

Promise and strength for disheartening times.

Joshua 13:1-7

Pastor A Thomas

21 Feb. am

Death and the Resurrection. pt1.

John 11:1-16

Mr. Peter King

21Feb. pm

Death and the Resurrection. pt2.

John 11:17-21

Mr. Peter King

14 Feb. am

The conflict and comfort of the Christian's life.

Galatians 5:16-18

Pastor A Thomas

14 Feb. pm

The Great Feast.

Luke 14:15-24

Mr. John Petley

07 Feb. am

Having Hope, Joy and Peace in believing.

Romans 15:13

Mr. Leslie Jarvis

07 Feb. pm

Having Hope, Joy and Peace in believing. pt2

Luke 2:27-32

Mr. Leslie Jarvis

31 Jan. am

What I say to you I say to all.

Mark 13:28-36

Pastor A Thomas

31 Jan. pm

How to resist the evil one.

1Peter 5:8,9

Pastor A Thomas

24 Jan. am

Be watchfull. See, I have told you beforehand,

Mark 13:24-27

Pastor A Thomas

24 Jan. pm

The voice of the triune Jehovah over the raging of nations.

Psalm 2

Pastor A Thomas

17 Jan. am

Be watchfull. See, I have told you beforehand,

Mark 13:14-23

Pastor A Thomas

17 Jan. pm

From where does my help come?.

Psalm 121

Pastor A Thomas

10 Jan. am

Confidence for the future

Acts 20:22-24

Mr.Keith Gilbert

10 Jan. pm

What do we need for 2016

Coll 1:1-8, Thess 1:1-4

Mr.Keith Gilbert

03 Jan. am

The last words and a new beginning.

Revelation 22:6-21

Pastor A Thomas

03 Jan. pm

Prophecies about events in time and eternity.

Mark 13:1-13

Pastor A Thomas

27 Dec. am

Jesus the saviour of sinners pt.2

Matthew 1:2-6

Pastor A Thomas

27 Dec. pm

That you may know with certainty.

Luke 1:4

Mr John Petley

25 Dec. am

Jesus the saviour of sinners pt.1

Matthew 1:1

Pastor A Thomas

20 Dec. am

God of the covenant triune Jehovah.

Genesis 18:16-21

Pastor A Thomas

20 Dec. pm

To you is born the saviour who is Christ The Lord.

Luke 2:11,12

Pastor A Thomas

13 Dec. am

The first prophecy and promise of the gospel.

Genesis 3:14,15

Pastor A Thomas

13 Dec. pm

Shimei refused pardon.

1 Kings 2:44

Mr John Petley

06 Dec. am

I have not come to call the righteous

Luke 5 :27-32

Pastor A Thomas

06 Dec. pm

Fight for the faith.

Jude 1,2

Mr. Ken Slater

29 Nov. am

Be reconciled to God.

Genesis 50:15-18

Pastor A Thomas

29 Nov. pm

All things work together for good to them......

Genesis 50:19-21

Pastor A Thomas

22 Nov. am

Put on the Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 5:5,6

Pastor A Thomas

22 Nov. pm

Cast all your cares upon Him

1 Peter 5:7

Pastor A Thomas

15 Nov. am

Sovereignty, Security, Secrecy.

Numbers 22:1-35

Mr.Peter King

15 Nov. pm

Scheming, Superiority

Numbers 25:1-18

Mr. Peter King

08 Nov. am

The battles and strongholds of the Christian

2 Corinthians 10:1-5

Mr.Keith Gilbert

08 Nov. pm

We are conquerors through Jesus Christ

Romans 8:37

Keith Gilbert

01 Nov. am

Examination, Exhortation and Encouragement to worshipping God

Mark 13:2

Pastor A Thomas

01 Nov. pm

Christ, our example and our way of life

Romans 15:1-3

Pastor A Thomas

25 Oct. am

Repentance, Refreshing and Restoration

Acts 3:19-21

Pastor A Thomas

25 Oct. pm

The pathway to spiritual stability and blessing

Psalm 16:8

Pastor A Thomas

18 Oct. am

Not unto us, O Jehovah, but to your name give glory.

Acts 3:12-16

Pastor A Thomas

18 Oct. pm

Salvation and suffering for righteousness.

1Peter 4:17-19

Pastor A Thomas

11 Oct. am

The principle and pattern of God's judgement.

1Peter 4:17

Pastor A Thomas

11 Oct. pm

True Christianity and acceptable service / worship of God

Romans 14:17-23

Pastor A Thomas

04 Oct. am

The great feast-harvest an ingathering.

Exodus 23:14-16

Pastor A Thomas

04 Oct. pm

Do not be surprised by the fiery trials. pt2

1Peter 4:12-16

Pastor A Thomas

27 Sept. am

The Christian's reasonable service to the body of Christ.

Romans 14:1-13

Pastor A Thomas

27 Sept. pm

Do not be surprised by the fiery trials. p1

1Peter 4:12-16

Pastor A Thomas

20 Sept. am

Men and brethren what shall we do?

Acts 2:1-41

Mr Eric Giles

20 Sept. pm

Be doers - not hearers only.

James 1:21-27

Pastor J. Cowley

13 Sept. am

Walking as children of light.

Ephesians 5:3-21

Mr Francis Bates

13 Sept. pm

Repent and believe the Gospel.

Acts 2:29-47

Mr. Philip Laver

06 Sept. am

The blessed man.

Psalm 32: 1-6

Pastor A Thomas

06 Sept. pm

How to live in declining times.

Luke 1:5-13

Pastor A Thomas

30 Aug. am

The end of all things is at hand.

1 Peter 4:7

Pastor A Thomas

30 Aug. pm

Understanding the times and living the Christian life.

Romans 13:12-14

Pastor A Thomas

23 Aug. am

Understanding the times and fulfilling the law.

Romans 13:11-12

Pastor A Thomas

23 Aug. pm

Such a High Priest.

Hebrews 8:1,2

Rev. Tim Burden

16 Aug. am

The weapons of warfare.

1 Peter 4:1-6

Pastor A Thomas

16 Aug. pm

True worship and service of Jehovah.

Romans 13 1-7

Pastor A Thomas

09 Aug. am

What do you think of Jesus Christ?

Mark 1:9-13

Pastor A Thomas

09 Aug. pm

And the evening of turmoil.

Psalm 4

Pastor A Thomas

02 Aug. am

Life, death and eternity.

Luke 16:19-31

Pastor A Thomas

02 Aug. pm

Jehova is my Shepherd.

Psalm 23: 4-6

Pastor A Thomas

26 July. am

The just and the justifier of sinners.

Genesis 18:16-25

Pastor A Thomas

26 July. pm

Christian love for brethren and enemies

Romans 12:10-21

Pastor A Thomas

19 July. am

Power o'er hell, and earth and heaven!

1Peter 3:18-22

Pastor A Thomas

19 July. pm

Who can this Jesus be?

Mark 4:35-41

Pastor A Thomas

12 July. am

The joy of forgiveness.

Psalm 32

Mr.Francis Bates

12 July. pm

The Messiah's triumph and kingdom.

Psalm 2

Mr.Francis Bates

05 July. am

Saved and perfected through suffering.

1 Peter 3:18

Pastor A Thomas

05 July. pm

Love, hate and stick-to-it-iveness.


Pastor A Thomas

28 Jun. am

God is working all things together for our good.

Romans 8:28-30

Pastor A Thomas

28 Jun. pm

Pleasing God through suffering.

1 Peter 3:13-17

Pastor A Thomas

21 Jun. am

It is enough that my son Joseph is alive.

Genesis 45:25-28

Pastor A Thomas

21 Jun. pm

Pleasing God and adorning the Gospel.

1 Peter 3:7-12

Pastor A Thomas

14 Jun. am

Salvation and assurance.

1 John 5:13

Pastor A Thomas

14 Jun. pm

Brothers: See to it you do not.

Genesis 45:24

Pastor A Thomas

07 Jun. am

What is Heaven like.

Mark 9:2-8.

Mr. John Petley

07 Jun. pm

The condition of your Spiritual Health.

3 John :1-4

Mr. Simon Hook

31 May. am

Cleansed from sin to serve the Lord.

Leviticus 14:1-20.

Mr. Philip Laver

31 May. pm

Free Redeeming Love.

Isaiah 55.

Mr. Philip Laver

24 May. am

Walking with God.

Genesis 42.

Mr. Peter King

24 May. pm

A guiding hand, a glorious outcome.

Genesis 37,45

Mr. Peter King

17 May. am

A blessed people.

Luke 10:23,24

Mr. John Petley

17 May. pm

A downcast Elijah.

1 Kings 19:9,13

Mr. John Petley

10 May. am

The precious Blood of Christ.

1 Peter 1: 18,19.

Mr. Keith Gilbert

10 May. pm

The Lord your God is a Faithful God.

Deuteronomy 7:9

Mr. Keith Gilbert

03 May. am


Psalm 103.

Mr. Philip Laver

03 May. pm

Faithful Sayings.

Titus 3:8

Mr. Philip Laver

26 Apr. am

Blessing on blessing through ages unending.

Genesis 45:15-24.

Pastor A Thomas

26 Apr. pm

Husbands adorning the gospel.

1 Peter 3:7.

Pastor A Thomas

19 Apr. am

Sorrow and love flow mingled down.

Genesis 45:14-15

Pastor A Thomas

19 Apr. pm

Who do you say that I am.

Matthew 16:15

Rev. Tim Burden

12 Apr. am

Enter into the joy of your Master and Lord.

Genesis 45: 1-13

Pastor A Thomas

12 Apr. pm

Meeting with the Lord our God.

Isaiah 64:4,5

Pastor A Thomas

05 Apr. am

Resurrection: Reality or Myth !.

1 Corinthians 15:12-19

Pastor A Thomas

05 Apr. pm

Being steadfast; abounding in the work of the Lord.

1 Corinthians 15:58

Pastor A Thomas

Good Friday

False witnesses and the True witness.

Mark 14:53-65 45:3-5

Pastor A Thomas

29 Mar. am

Joseph reveals himself to his brothers.

Genesis 45:3-5

Pastor A Thomas

29 Mar. pm

The situation in Israel and the solution to it.

Isaiah 63:17-64:2

Pastor A Thomas

22 Mar. am

Joseph reveals himself to his brothers.

Genesis 45:1-4

Pastor A Thomas

22 Mar. pm

Clarity in doubt and assurance of Eternal Life.

1 John 1:5-2:2

Pastor A Thomas

15 Mar. am

The joy of forgiveness.

Psalm 32

Mr. Keith Gilbert

15 Mar. pm

Paradoxes of Paul.

2 Corinthians 6:1-10

Mr. Keith Gilbert

08 Mar. am

First the blade and then the head.

Genesis 44:16

Pastor A Thomas

08 Mar. pm

First the blade, then the head and then the full grain.

Genesis 44:33

Pastor A Thomas

01 Mar. pm

The fear of the family and the kindness of Joseph.

Genesis 43:15-34

Pastor A Thomas

01 Mar. pm

Thinking Christianly and Christian service.

Romans 12:3-8

Pastor A Thomas

22 Feb. am

The Sovereign hand of God. pt1

Genesis 43:1-14

Pastor A Thomas

22 Feb. pm

The Sovereign hand of God. pt2

Genesis 43:14

Pastor A Thomas

15 Feb. am

Encouraging Words from Jesus. pt1

John 14:1-4

Mr.Peter King

15 Feb. pm

Encouraging Words from Jesus. pt2

John 14:1-4

Mr.Peter King

08 Feb. am

Pleasing God and adorning the Gospel.

1 Peter 3: 1-6

Pastor A Thomas

08 Feb. pm

The nature of true faith.

Genesis 12: 4-9

Pastor A Thomas

01 Feb. am

True acceptable and pleasing worship of God.

Romans 12:1,2

Pastor A Thomas

01 Feb. pm

Pleasing God and adorning the Gospel.

1 Peter 2:12

Pastor A Thomas

25 Jan. am

The eternal destiny of God's people.

Romans 8:30

Pastor A Thomas

25 Jan. pm

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 1: 3-5

Pastor A Thomas

18 Jan. am

No Condemnation but Justified.

Romans 8:30

Pastor A Thomas

18 Jan. pm

You are God's own special people.

1 Peter 2:9-12

Pastor A Thomas

11 Jan. am

Blessed are the meek.

Matthew 5:5

Mr. Simon Hook

11 Jan. pm

Behold! This is our God.

Isaiah 25:9

Mr. Robin Timms

04 Jan. am

The prophecy regarding the temple.

Mark 13:1,2

Pastor A Thomas

04 Jan. pm

You are God's own people.

1 Peter 1:9,10

Pastor A Thomas

28 Dec. am

Remember the judgements and the sacrifices of Jehovah.

Zechariah 7:11 - 8:3

Pastor A Thomas

28 Dec. pm

The search of the wise men for Jesus

Matthew 1:18 - 2:12

Pastor A Rowell

25 Dec. am


The miracles and the message of Christmas.

Luke 2:8-11

Pastor A Thomas

21 Dec. am

Carol service

On Christ The Solid Rock I Stand.

1 Peter 2:8

Pastor A Thomas

21 Dec. pm

Jehovah is Saviour

Matthew 1:20-23

Pastor A Thomas

14 Dec. am

The wisdom and ways of Jehovah.

Romans 11:23-32

Pastor A Thomas

14 Dec. pm

The Glory of Christ Jesus.

1 Peter 2:4

Pastor A Thomas

7 Dec. am

This do in remembrance of me!

Luke 22:19,20

Pastor A Thomas

7 Dec. pm

Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God!

Romans 11:17-22

Pastor A Thomas

30 Nov. am

The danger of temptation.

Matthew 4:1-22

Mr. Peter King

30 Nov. pm

Simeon's Saviour.

Luke 2:21-40

Mr. Paul Morris

23 Nov. am

Speaking of God what is right.

Job 42:7,8

Mr. Robin Timms

23 Nov. pm

Jesus' love and compassion for the people.

Mark 6:34

Rev. Tim Burden

16 Nov. am

A stone cut without hands.

Romans 9:32,33

Pastor A Thomas

16 Nov. pm

The Word of Salvation.

Romans 10:8-13

Pastor A Thomas

9 Nov. am

Sorrow over blessing despised.

Romans 9:2

Pastor A Thomas

9 Nov. pm

How can a man be righteous before God

Romans 9:30-32

Pastor A Thomas

2 Nov. am

Momentary suffering and eternal glory.

Romans 8:17-18

Pastor A Thomas

2 Nov. pm

Confidence and joy in the midst of suffering.

Romans 8:28-39

Pastor A Thomas

26 Oct. am

The Christian's new freedom and mindset.

Romans 8:1-9

Pastor A Thomas

26 Oct. pm

The Christian's new hope and inheritance.

Romans 8:10-17

Pastor A Thomas

19 Oct. am

Every blessing in Christ Jesus.

Luke 7:24-28

Pastor A Thomas

19 Oct. pm

Eternal wisdom justified by her children.

Luke 7:29-35

Pastor A Thomas

12 Oct. am

The hardness of man's heart and God's infinite mercy.

Mark 13:1

Pastor A Thomas

12 Oct. pm

Salvation from utter destruction.

Joshua 10:1-15

Pastor A Thomas

05 Oct. am

The Seed and the Soul.

Luke 8:4-15

Mr. Keith Gilbert

05 Oct. pm

The walk of the Godly and the path of sinners.

Psalm 1

Mr. Keith Gilbert

28 Sep. am

When the Son of Man comes again.

Matthew 25:31

Pastor A Thomas

28 Sep. pm

The Gospel according to Paul.


Pastor A Thomas

21 Sep. am

Learning in the school of Christ.

Philippians 4:10-13

Pastor A Thomas

21 Sep. pm

Why do you speak to them in parables.

Matthew 13:1-23

Pastor A Thomas

14 Sep. am

The multitude rejoiced, but Jesus wept.

Luke 19:42-43

Mr. John Miller

14 Sep. pm

Alienation and reconciliation.

Colossians 1:21-22

Mr. John Miller

07 Sep. am

O taste and see that the Lord is gracious.

1 Peter 2:3

Pastor A Thomas

07 Sep. pm

Jehovah turns a curse into blessing.

Joshua :9

Pastor A Thomas

31 Aug. am

The Sabbath day is for Rest and Worship.

Luke 4:16

Rev. Tim Burden

31 Aug. pm

Her many sins were forgiven.

Luke 7:18-50

Rev. Tim Burden

24 Aug. am

Doubts and dangers in the believers life. pt.1

Luke 7:18-20

Pastor A Thomas

24 Aug. pm

Doubts and dangers in the believers life. pt.2

Luke 7:21-23

Pastor A Thomas

17 Aug. am

The compassion and power of the Lord Christ.

Luke 7:11-17

Pastor A Thomas

17 Aug. pm

The problem of man and the provision of God.

Psalm 32:1-5

Pastor A Thomas

10 Aug. am

Such great faith in Christ.

Luke 7:1-10

Pastor A Thomas

10 Aug. pm

Jehovah is God and there is no other.

Daniel 1:1&2

Pastor A Thomas

03 Aug. am

The new covenant in My Blood.

Matthew 26:17-30

Pastor A Thomas

03 Aug. pm

Jehovah. The Protector of His people.

Psalm 23:4-6

Pastor A Thomas

27 July. am

End of Public ministry and a close private observation!

Mark 12:38-44

Pastor A Thomas

27 July. pm

A suprising detour and a suprising place for the alter.

Joshua 8:30-35

Pastor A Thomas

20 July. pm

The mindset and the lifestyle of the Christian

1 Peter 1:13 to 2:2

Pastor A Thomas

20 July. pm

The Divine Visitor

Genesis 18:1-8

Pastor A Thomas

13 July. am

The mindset and lifestyle of a child of God.

1Peter 1:17-21

Pastor A Thomas

13 July. pm

Memorials of warnings & memorials of grace upon grace.

Joshua 7:26 to 8:12

Pastor A Thomas

06 July. am

God raising the dead is not incredible.

Acts 26:8

Mr. Francis Bates

06 July. pm

Knowing what is right and wrong.

Micah 6:1-8

Mr. Francis Bates

29 Jun. am

The mindset and manner of the life of a Christian.

1 Peter 1:13-21

Pastor A Thomas

29 Jun. pm

The truth of the gospel illustrated and predicted.

Exodus 28:26-30

Pastor A Thomas

22 Jun. am

Who is the truly blessed man!.

Psalm 32:6

Pastor A Thomas

22 Jun. pm

The universal marks of the blessed man.

Psalm 32:7-11

Pastor A Thomas

15 Jun. am

The suffering but blessed people of God"

1 Peter 1:3-4

Pastor A Thomas

15 Jun. pm

Reasons why God allows suffering in the life of a believer.

1 Peter 1:5-6

Pastor A Thomas

08 Jun. am

Stand fast, have liberty, be free in Christ.

Galatians 5

Mr. Robin Timms

08 Jun. pm

Those who follow The Lamb.

Revelation 14:4

Mr. Robin Timms

01 Jun. am

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

James 4:8

Pastor A Thomas

01 Jun. pm

The legacy of Cain and the legacy of Seth.

Genesis 4:16-26

Pastor A Thomas

25 May. pm

Jesus brought not peace but a sword.

Acts 18:1-11

Mr. Francis Bates

18 May. am

Jesus asked, "How is Christ the Son of David"

Mark 12:35-37

Pastor A Thomas

18 May. pm

The first and great promise of Christ in the Bible.

Genesis 3:15

Pastor A Thomas

11 May. am

Which is the greatest commandment ?

Mark 12:28-34

Pastor A Thomas

11 May. pm

Cleansing by the Blood.

Psalm 51:7

Pastor A Thomas

04 May. pm

God knows the way we take.

Job 23:10

Mr.John Petley

27 Apr. am

Blessing, Building, Binding and Loosening.

Matthew 16:17-19

Rev. Tim Burden

27 Apr. pm

God's House of Prayer.

Mark 11:17

Rev. Tim Burden

20 Apr. am

He is risen - as he said to you. p1

John 12:12-16

Pastor A Thomas

20 Apr. pm

He is risen -as he said to you. p2

Genesis 3:1

Pastor A Thomas

Good Friday

A covering which is from Jehovah.

Genesis 3:21

Pastor A Thomas

13 Apr. am

Written about centuries before.

John 12:12-16

Pastor A Thomas

13 Apr. pm

That Old Serpent.

Genesis 3:1

Pastor A Thomas

6 Apr. am

The extent, the faith & the blessings of Jehovah.

Joshua 12

Pastor A Thomas

6 Apr. pm

The effects of sin and the power of the Saviour.

Matthew 8:1-15

Pastor A Thomas

30 Mar. am

Purify yourself through the Spirit.

1 Peter 1:22-25

Pastor A Thomas

30 Mar. pm

Jehovah turns again from the the fierceness of his wrath.

Joshua 7:10-26

Pastor A Thomas

23 Mar. am

The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of spiritual wisdom.

1 Peter 1:17-21

Pastor A Thomas

23 Mar. pm

Christian knowledge and Christian living.

1 John 2:28 - 3:3

Pastor A Thomas

16 Mar. am

Lot chose for himself.

Genesis 13:10-18

Pastor A Thomas

16 Mar. pm

Strive to enter the narrow gate.

Luke 13:24

Pastor A Thomas

09 Mar. am

Resurrection and the power of God.

Mark 12:24

Pastor A Thomas

09 Mar. pm

The believer dealing with defeat and discouragement. p1

Joshua 7:5-9

Pastor A Thomas

02 Mar. am

The Resurrection of the dead.

Mark 12:18-27

Pastor A Thomas

02 Mar. pm

The believer dealing with defeat and discouragement. p2

Joshua 7:5,6

Pastor A Thomas

23 Feb. am

The wiles of the adversary.

Mark 12:13,14

Pastor A Thomas

23 Feb. pm

The question of eternal significance.

Mark 12:13-17

Pastor A Thomas

16 Feb. am

Digging deep & building on the rock.

Luke 6: 46-49

Pastor A Thomas

16 Feb. pm

Wrestling with God.

Genesis 32 :1-32

Mr. Peter King

09 Feb. am

A parable to them and against them.

Mark 12:1-12

Pastor A Thomas

09 Feb. pm

Christianity, the true and only way.

2 Peter 1:12-21

Mr.Francis Bates

02 Feb. pm

The Lamb of God who takes away sins.

John 1:29

Mr. Roger Cook

26 Jan. am

The Words of Jesus.

John 3:1-17. 10: 1-18

Mr. Eric Giles

26 Jan. pm

Rephidim, the place of victory.

Exodus 17:1-13

Mr. Peter King

19 Jan. am

Walking together with the Lord.

Amos 3:3

Mr.Robin Timms

19 Jan. pm

Having God's peace in our hearts.

Colossians 3:15

Mr.Robin Timms

12 Jan. am

Walking circumspectly, knowing the Lord's will.

Ephesians 5:15-17

Mr.Keith Gilbert

12 Jan. pm

Our times are in God's hands.

James 4:13-15

Mr.Keith Gilbert

05 Jan. am

'You Are Mine.' saith the Lord.

Isaiah 43:1-7

Mr.Francis Bates

05 Jan. pm

The second coming of Jesus Christ.

2 Peter 3:1-18

Mr.Francis Bates

29 Dec. am

The geneology of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 1:1-17

Mr. John Petley

29 Dec. pm

God crowns the year with goodness.

Psalm 65:11

Mr. John Petley

25 Dec. am

Eye - witness of Jesus Christ. (Christmas Day)

Luke 2:1-20

Mr. John Petley

22 Dec. am

The geneology of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 1:1-17

Mr.Francis Bates

22 Dec. pm

Christ's birth announced to Mary. (Carol Service)

Luke 1: 26-38

Mr.Francis Bates

15 Dec. am

No room for Jesus.

Luke 2: 7

Mr. Keith Gilbert

15 Dec. pm

Adam, Moses and Jesus.

Romans 5: 12-21

Mr. Keith Gilbert

8 Dec. am

My House shall be called a House of Prayer .

Mark 11: 15,16

Pastor A Thomas

8 Dec. pm

Belonging to Christ

Mark 9: 41

Mr. Keith Gilbert

1 Dec. am

Certainty and security of salvation.

1John 1: 5 - 2:2

Pastor A Thomas

1 Dec. pm

O taste and see that the Lord is Good.

Psalm 34:8

Pastor A Thomas

24 Nov. am

The encampment of Jehovah in the valley of life.

Psalm 34:6,7

Pastor A Thomas

24 Nov. pm

The Seeker and Saviour of men. (3)

John 1:41-46

Pastor A Thomas

17 Nov. am

The Seeker and Saviour of men. (1)

John 1:35-38

Pastor A Thomas

17 Nov. pm

The Seeker and Saviour of men. (2)

John 1:42

Pastor A Thomas

10 Nov. am

Lest you forget!

Deuteronomy 6:12

Pastor A Thomas

10 Nov. pm

Behold the Lamb of God.


Pastor A Thomas

3 Nov. am

The Judge and Servant Redeemer pt 2.


Pastor A Thomas

3 Nov. pm

The Lord of Glory


Pastor A Thomas

27 Oct. am

The Judge and Servant Redeemer pt 1.

Mark 11:11-23

Pastor A Thomas

27 Oct. pm

I will look to Jehovah my Protector and Keeper.

Psalm 121

Pastor A Thomas

20 Oct. am

The glory of Salvation and the duty of the saved.

1 Peter 1:13

Pastor A Thomas

20 Oct. pm

Given the right to become the children of God.

John 1:6-13

Pastor A Thomas

13 Oct. am

Firstfruits: Provision for today and promise for tomorrow.

Exodus 23:16

Pastor A Thomas

13 Oct. pm

What is Peter referring to by the word "Therefore" ?

1 Peter 1: 13

Pastor A Thomas

6 Oct. am

The prophets profesied of Christ.

1 Peter 1:10-12

Pastor A Thomas

6 Oct. pm

To whom shall we go for Eternal Life.

John 4: 43-54

Pastor A Thomas

29 Sept. am

An incomprehensible & superior love.

1 Peter 1:8,9

Pastor A Thomas

29 Sept. pm

The beginning displays of His hidden glory.

John 2:1-11

Pastor A Thomas

22 Sept. am

Behold! I make all things new.

Revelation 21:1-6

Pastor A Thomas

22 Sept. pm

When the foundations are destroyed.

Psalm 11

Pastor A Thomas

15 Sept. am

How to live the Christian life.

Luke 12:22-31

Pastor A Thomas

15 Sept. pm

Our great High Priest

Exodus 28:28-32

Pastor A Thomas

8 Sept. am

God's goodness at all times.

Esther 4:14,16

Mr. Robin Timms

8 Sept. pm

Rejoicing in God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Romans 5:11

Mr. Robin Timms

1 Sept. am

Changed and brought near by Christ.

Ephesians 2:11-22

Mr Francis Bates

1 Sept. pm

The privilege of prayer.

John 16

Mr Francis Bates

25 Aug. am

Christ Jesus came to save sinners.

1 Timothy 1:15

Pastor A Thomas

25 Aug. pm

The parable of the Publican and the Pharisee.

Luke 18:9-14

Pastor A Thomas

18 Aug. am

Ministering to the Lord Jehovah.

Exodus 28:1

Pastor A Thomas

18 Aug. pm

Fear, faith and instruction in the storms of life.

Mark 4:35-41

Pastor A Thomas

11 Aug. am

Watch and Pray.

Matthew 25:1-3

Pastor A Thomas

11 Aug. pm

Fear not Abram I am your shield.

Genesis 15:1

Pastor A Thomas

4 Aug. am

Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!

Mark 11:1-10

Pastor A Thomas

4 Aug. pm

Behold I create new heavens & a new earth.

Isaiah 55:12-13

Pastor A Thomas

28 Jul. am

Heaven and earth shall pass away but not My Word.

Isaiah 55:10-11

Pastor A Thomas

28 Jul. pm

The Grace and the Power of Christ Jesus.

Luke 5:27-32

Pastor A Thomas

21 Jul. am

Jehovah's thoughts and ways with a returning sinner.

Isaiah 55:8-9

Pastor A Thomas

21 Jul. pm

God the Son speaking with Father and with man.

Matthew 11:25-30

Pastor A Thomas

14 Jul. am

Great is Jehovah and greatly to be praised.

Isaiah 55:8-9

Pastor A Thomas

14 Jul. pm

What God the Father has done for us.

Romans 8:3-4

Pastor A Thomas

07 Jul. am

He is Able - part 1

Hebrews 4:14-16

Mr. Keith Gilbert

07 Jul. pm

He is Able - part 2

Jude 24-25

Mr. Keith Gilbert

30 Jun. am

Being reconciled to God.

2 Corinthians 5:20-21

Mr. FrancisBates

30 Jun. pm

Hope and perfection in God.

Revelation 21,22

Mr. Francis Bates

23 Jun. am

Christ being formed in us.

Galatians 4:19

Mr. Robin Timms

23 Jun. pm

Show me now your Glory.

Exodus 33

Mr. Robin Timms

16 Jun. am

The Penitent Thief.

Luke 23:39-43

Mr. John Petley

16 Jun. pm

The Lost Sheep.

Luke 15:1-7

Mr. John Petley

09 Jun. am

Seek Jehovah for Life Eternal and Abundant.

Isaiah 55:5-7

Pastor A Thomas

09 Jun. pm

Do you know these things!!.

John 3:10

Pastor A Thomas

02 Jun. am

Jesus Christ teaching about himslef.

Mark 10:45

Pastor A Thomas

02 Jun. pm

The Eternal Witness, Prince and Commander.

Iasiah 55:4

Pastor A Thomas

26 May. am

The character, assurance and conduct of the Christian.

Romans 8:1

Pastor A Thomas

26 May. pm

I will make an everlasting covenant wih you.

Iasiah 55:3

Pastor A Thomas

19 May. am

The battle, the delight and the certainty of the Christian.

Romans 7:21-25

Pastor A Thomas

19 May. pm

An invitation and a warning to the needy.

Iasiah 55:1-3

Pastor A Thomas

12 May. am

The revelation of God's wrath and righteousness.

Romans 1:16-18

Pastor A Thomas

12 May. pm

From darkness to everlasting light.

Mark 10:46-52

Pastor A Thomas

5 May. am

Following Christ and the blessings through ages

unending. Mark 10:28-34

Pastor A Thomas

5 May. pm

How to be prepared and be assured of Eternal Life !

Luke 23:42-43

Pastor A Thomas

28 Apr. am

The Church - Her privilege and her pattern of life.

Joshua 24:1-2

Pastor A Thomas

28 Apr. pm

Now therefore choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. Joshua 24:13-15

Pastor A Thomas

21 Apr. am

Who then can be saved!

Mark 10:23-27

Pastor A Thomas

21 Apr. pm

Bride and Bridegroom. (Sinner and Saviour)

Psalm 45:10,11

Rev. Tim Burden

14 Apr. am

The new birth and from darkness into light.

John 3:1-8

Pastor A Thomas

14 Apr. pm

God has revealed Himself unmistakeably.

Romans 1:1-2, 19-21

Pastor A Thomas

07 Apr. am

The good man who turned away from God.

Mark 10:17-22

Pastor A Thomas

07 Apr. pm

Trusting and serving the God of justice and mercy.

Psalm 5:4-8

Pastor A Thomas

31 Mar. am

The prophecy of Isaiah about the burial & resurrection of Christ. Isaiah 53:9-12

Pastor A Thomas

31 Mar. pm

The work of Christ pre-figured in Abraham’s life.

Hebrews 11:17-19

Pastor A Thomas

Good Friday

The prophecy of Isaiah about Good Friday.

Isaiah 53:4-6

Pastor A Thomas

24 Mar. am

Jesus weeps over Jerusalem.

Luke 19:41-44

Mr. Keith Gilbert

24 Mar. pm

Lessons from the barren fig tree.

Mark 11:12-14

Mr. Keith Gilbert

17 Mar. am

Blessed is the man whose heart is set on pilgrimage.

Deuteronomy 8:1,2

Pastor A Thomas

17 Mar. pm

Jehovah meets with Jacob... in his darkest hour.

Genesis 28:12,13

Pastor A Thomas

10 Mar. am

Job's dealings with suffering.

Job 3

Mr Francis Bates

10 Mar. pm

Paul presents the gospel in Athens.

Acts 17:16-34

Mr Francis Bates

03 Mar. am

Uncertainty in this life, certainty in Jesus Christ

Revelation 1

Mr Francis Bates

03 Mar. pm

Three converts in Philipi.

Acts 16:10-40

Mr Francis Bates

24 Feb. am

The light of God in the believer.

Matthew 5:14-16

Pastor A Thomas

24 Feb. pm

True acceptable worship and the reason for worship.

Isaiah 25:1-4

Pastor A Thomas

17 Feb. am

Christians and their beliefs, especially in Jesus.

Colossians 1:15-23

Mr Francis Bates

17 Feb. pm

Compromise, Concealment or Confrontation.

1 Kings 18:1-40

Mr Francis Bates

10 Feb. am

You are the salt of the earth

Matthew 5:13

Pastor A Thomas

10 Feb. pm

Enoch walked with God and he was not.

Genesis 5:21-24

Pastor A Thomas

03 Feb. am

The method and cost of the forgiveness of sins.

2 Corinthians 5:21

Pastor A Thomas

03 Feb. pm

The returning sinner and the loving Father.

Luke 15:11-24

Pastor A Thomas

27 Jan. am

Jehovah, Just, Gracious and near to all.

Psalm 145:17-19

Pastor A Thomas

27 Jan. pm

Jesus Christ: I AM, The Only Way.

John 14:6

Pastor A Thomas

20 Jan. am

Jesus's power over death and his grace to sinners.

Luke 23:39-43

Pastor A Thomas

20 Jan. pm

What does biblical faith look like?.

Genesis 12:4-9

Pastor A Thomas

13 Jan. am

The unchanging promises of Jehovah.

Isaiah 46:4

Pastor A Thomas

13 Jan. pm

The incomprehensible power of Jehovah.

Luke 1:10-15

Pastor A Thomas

06 Jan. am

He who sat on the throne said, Behold! I make all things new. Revelation 21:5,6

Pastor A Thomas

06 Jan. pm

And so much the more as you see the day approaching.

Galatians 4:4,5

Pastor A Thomas

30 Dec. am

The power of God to save those who believe.

Romas 1:16,17

Rev. Tim Burden

30 Dec. pm

Delight in the Lord, trust and commit all to Him

Galatians 4:4,5

Rev. Tim Burden

25 Dec. am

To you is born this day a Saviour.

Luke 2:11

Pastor A Thomas

23 Dec. am

Jesus saves His people from their sins.

Matthew 1:21

Mr. Robin Timms

23 Dec. pm

In the fullness of time God sent forth His Son

Galatians 4:4,5

Pastor A Thomas

16 Dec. am

Have faith and doubt not.

Matthew 14:31

Mr. Robin Timms

16 Dec. pm

There is born to you a Saviour. 'CAROL SERVICE'

Luke 2:11

Pastor A Thomas

9 Dec. am

Israel A man highly favoured and blessed by Jehovah.

Genesis 49:26

Pastor A Thomas

9 Dec. pm

Jehovah your shepherd will supply your every need.

Psalm 23: 1-3

Pastor A Thomas

2 Dec. am

Freedom from bondage to sin and dead to the law.

Romans 7:4

Pastor A Thomas

2 Dec. pm

True & lasting happiness.

1 Kings 8:57-60

Pastor A Thomas

25 Nov. am

'And he sat down, called the twelve, and said to them'

Mark 9:35

Pastor A Thomas

25 Nov. pm

Providence of Jehovah and his work in the heart of men.

1 Samuel 7:2-6

Pastor A Thomas

18 Nov. am

Unexpected and disastrous defeat for the people of God.

Joshua 7:2-5

Pastor A Thomas

18 Nov. pm

O my soul, forget Him not.

Mark 9:30-37

Pastor A Thomas

11 Nov. am

Remember His wonderful works and delight in Jehovah.

Psalm 111:4

Pastor A Thomas

11 Nov. pm

The kingdom of God is like a wedding feast.

Matthew 22:1-14

Pastor A Thomas

4 Nov. am

The payment of the penalty and provision of a substitute.

Gen 3:21

Pastor A Thomas

4 Nov. pm

A matter of faith in Christ alone and persevering prayer.

Mark 9:14-29

Pastor A Thomas

28 Oct. am

What does the bible teach about life and the hereafter.

Job 19:26

Pastor A Thomas

28 Oct. pm

Our hesitant faith and the God who is faithful.

Matthew 28:17-20

Pastor A Thomas

21 Oct. am

Examine yourself whether you are in the faith.

Matthew 28:16

Pastor A Thomas

21 Oct. pm

True and Acceptable Worship.

Psalm 95

Pastor A Thomas

14 Oct. am

I am the resurrection and the life.

Matthew 28:16,17

Pastor A Thomas

14 Oct. pm

Elijah and Jesus Christ.

Mark 9: 8-13

Pastor A Thomas

7 Oct. am

The Lord Jehovah satisfied and sin taken away.

Leviticus 16:15-22

Pastor A Thomas

6 October

Baptismal service.

1 Peter 3:18

Pastor A Thomas

30 Sep. am

You do well to heed the light in a dark place.

1 Peter 1:19

Pastor A Thomas

30 Sep. pm

Let them listen to Moses and the Prophets.

Luke 16: 19-31

Pastor A Thomas

23 Sep. am

The splendour and significance of the transfiguration.

Mark 9: 1-4

Pastor A Thomas

23 Sep. pm

The witness of God the Father to Christ.

Mark 9: 7,8

Pastor A Thomas

16 Sep. am

Does God care?

Isaiah 40

Mr Francis Bates

16 Sep. pm

Fruitful growth in the faith.

2 Peter 1: 1-11

Mr Francis Bates

9 Sep. am

These days and that day.

Isaiah 26:1

Pastor A Thomas

9 Sep. pm

Anxiety, prayer and peace.

Phillipians 4: 6-7

Pastor A Thomas

2 Sep. am

The cost and reward of following Christ.

Mark 8: 34-38

Pastor A Thomas

2 Sep. pm

Hear, Look and Enter into the Eternal Blessings.

Isaiah 62: 10-12

Pastor A Thomas

26 Aug. am

For we walk by faith, not by sight.

2 Corinthians 5: 7

Mr. Robin Timms

26 Aug. pm

Jesus, calling away His Bride.

Song of Soloman 2: 10

Mr. Robin Timms

19 Aug. am

The purpose and prophecy of John the Baptist.

John 1: 35-39

Pastor A Thomas

19 Aug. pm

Watchman on the walls of Jerusalem.

Isaiah 62: 6-9

Pastor A Thomas

05 Aug. am

So run that you may obtain the prize.

1 Corinthians 9: 24-27

Pastor A Thomas

05 Aug. pm

Jehovah's purposes, promises and His means.

Jeremiah 29: 11-14

Pastor A Thomas

29 July. am

The eyes of your understanding being enlightened.

Part 4.

Pastor A Thomas

29 July. pm

The rulers of the age and the King of heaven.

Psalm 2

Pastor A Thomas

22 July. am

The eyes our understanding being enlightened.

Mark 8: 31-32. Part 3. The suffering of the Messiah

Pastor A Thomas

22 July. pm

The foundation of the righteous.

Psalm 11

Pastor A Thomas

15 July. am

The eyes of your understanding being enlightened.

Mark 8: 22-25. Part 1. Spiritual Life

Pastor A Thomas

15 July. pm

The eyes of your understanding being enlightened.

Mark 8: 27-29. Part 2. The Son of Man

Pastor A Thomas

08 July. am

I shall not be moved

Psalm 10,16, 30:1

Mr Keith Gilbert

08 July. pm

Concern for the inner man

2 Corinthians 4:8 - 5:1

Mr Keith Gilbert

01 July. am

Knowing God

Psalm 139

Mr Peter Rowell

01 July. pm

Jesus, The Final Word

Hebrews 1:1-3

Mr Philip Laver

24 June. am

Therefore I say to you. "do not worry... but seek"

Matthew 6:25-34

Pastor A Thomas

24 June. pm

Therefore he charged them saying, "take heed, beware"

Mark 8:11-21

Pastor A Thomas

17 June. am

Sin, Righteousness and Judgement

Joshua 6:1,2

Pastor A Thomas

17 June. pm

Jehovah's ways are not our ways

Joshua 6:21-25

Pastor A Thomas

10 June. am

Spiritual wisdom and folly

Matthew 7:24-27

Pastor A Thomas

10 June. pm

Confident of the work of God

Philippians 1:6

Pastor A Thomas

03 June. am

The Son forsaken by the Father

Psalm 22:1

Pastor A Thomas

03 June. pm

To be present in the body is to be absent from the Lord

Psalm 22:1

Pastor A Thomas

27 May. am

Let him who has ears to hear, hear !.

Mark 7:31-37

Pastor A Thomas

27 May. pm

Pentecost and God the Holy Spirit.

Acts 2:1-4

Pastor A Thomas

20 May. am

Jesus commanded and it was so.

Mark 7:33-35

Pastor A Thomas

20 May. pm

Purging with hyssop

Psalm 51:7

Pastor A Thomas

13 May. pm

The commander of Jehovah's host

Joshua 5:13-15

Pastor A Thomas

6 May. am

The faithfulness of Mary Magdalene

Matthew 27:27-61

Mr Simon Hooke

6 May. pm

Is anything too hard for the Lord?

Jeremiah 32:17, 27

Mr Michael Frost

29 Apr. am

True Faith in Christ.

Mark 7:24-30

Pastor A Thomas

29 Apr. pm

Putting first things first.

Joshua 5:2-12

Pastor A Thomas

22 Apr. am

Christian of the Cross.

Isaiah 53:5-6

Rev Tim Burden

22 Apr. pm

Rejoicing over sinners Saved.

Luke 15:9-10

Rev Tim Burden

15 Apr. am

Remember Jehovah : That you may fear Him.

Joshua 4:19 - 5:1

Pastor A Thomas

15 Apr. pm

True Bible Religion.

Mark 7:6-7

Pastor A Thomas

8 Apr. am

It was impossible for death to hold Jesus Christ.

Acts 2:24

Pastor A Thomas

8 Apr. pm

The resurrection of Christ prophesied in the life experience of Abraham. Genesis 22:2-14

Pastor A Thomas

6 Apr. am

The unique significance of the death of Jesus Christ.

Romans 3

Pastor A Thomas
