Welcome To Halland Chapel

We at Halland are an independent Church with the emphasis on the Bible as it speaks to the deepest human need and God's provision for us in Jesus Christ.
The Lord Jesus welcomes all those who come to Him for rest and comfort for their souls.
We do invite you to contact or meet with us, no matter what your background.

If you would like to find out more or have any questions please feel free to contact us via the contacts page, and we will do our best to help you.

You are very welcome at any of our Services.


Government and Church Guidance

Risk Assessment

10:15 am Sunday School
11:00 am Morning Service Pastor Abe Thomas
6:30pm Evening Service Pastor Abe Thomas
7:30pm Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Pastor Abe Thomas
10:00am Ladies meeting Monthly (Diary dates below)
6:00pm Junior Young People Term time
7:30pm Young People Term time
Diary Dates - services and speakers




Our annual Bible Club is planned for the 21st -23rd August click here for more info.

Andrew and Jenny Love Prayer Letter September 2024- on Missiion page.



Coronavirus (COVID - 19)

We have returned to holding our services at the chapel in a controlled and safe way for all those who wish to join us. We continue to provide our services on zoom, Sunday @ 11.00 am and 6.30 pm. Bible study Tuesday @ 7.30 pm.

Please click the Guidance link opposite.